All Split Fiction Bench Locations For Sisters: A Tale Of Two Besties Achievement Or Trophy
While traveling throughout Mio and Zoe's fictional worlds, you might notice benches spread across the levels. There are six benches in Split Fiction in total, and resting on all of them will give you an insight into their worlds in the form of a short conversation. It'll also give you the Sisters: A Tale of Two Besties achievement, so they're worth seeking out if you're trying to get all of the trophies. Both girls must sit on the bench for it to count, and you'll know it's successful if the cameras pan together and the conversation begins.Below we've laid out all six benches in Split Fiction and precisely where to find them. Plan ahead with our guide as some of these can be easily missed or cut off by triggering cutscenes or parts of a level.Table of Contents [hide]Neon RevengeNeon RevengeThe first bench is near the pool section, which is also the same area as the Mountain Hike side story. After landing on the hotel roof, head to the back and use the zipline to get to the next balcony across. On the left you'll see the bench. If you jump onto the passing car to progress the level, you can't go back, so make sure to seek this out before you go too far.Continue Reading at GameSpot

While traveling throughout Mio and Zoe's fictional worlds, you might notice benches spread across the levels. There are six benches in Split Fiction in total, and resting on all of them will give you an insight into their worlds in the form of a short conversation. It'll also give you the Sisters: A Tale of Two Besties achievement, so they're worth seeking out if you're trying to get all of the trophies. Both girls must sit on the bench for it to count, and you'll know it's successful if the cameras pan together and the conversation begins.
Below we've laid out all six benches in Split Fiction and precisely where to find them. Plan ahead with our guide as some of these can be easily missed or cut off by triggering cutscenes or parts of a level.
Neon Revenge
The first bench is near the pool section, which is also the same area as the Mountain Hike side story. After landing on the hotel roof, head to the back and use the zipline to get to the next balcony across. On the left you'll see the bench. If you jump onto the passing car to progress the level, you can't go back, so make sure to seek this out before you go too far.Continue Reading at GameSpot