‘Is This Seat Taken?’ Creates Puzzles From Seating Pref...

Is This Seat Taken? is a puzzle game where you need to help the shapes find the ...

‘Slaughtering Can’ – A Shooter About Hydrating Hostile ...

Slaughtering Can has players rushing around a deadly arena at dusk, watering can...

‘Ichorous’ is a Bloody Boss Rush That Rewards Skilled Play

Ichorous is a challenging boss rush that sees you absorbing blood from unsettlin...

‘Bring Your Pet To School Day’ Figures Out a Chaotic Cl...

Bring Your Pet To School Day needs you to use clues in a busy classroom to figur...

‘Hot Wax’ Needs You to Create Melting Candle Chain Reac...

Hot Wax looks like Tetris, but its focus on creating piles of candles that you n...

‘Quilts and Cats of Calico’ has you building perfect pa...

Quilts and Cats of Calico is a colorful pattern-making game where you’re trying ...

‘Welcome Googoo’ Needs You to Design Appealing Party In...

Welcome Googoo tasks you with picking out the right words and the best stickers ...

‘Bee Flowers’ Arranges Puzzling Paths to Guide Bees Around

Bee Flowers is a calm puzzle game where you need to build paths so that your bee...

‘Hotel Architect’ Gets Into the Minutiae of Hotel Mana...

In Hotel Architect, you make complex calls as you run and build your own hotel s...

‘pinboll’ Crafts Unique Pinball Tables for High Scores

pinboll lets you add new bumpers, rewards, and other wacky items to a game of pi...

‘Terry’s Other Games’ is a Vital Collection of Indie Ga...

Terry’s Other Games collects several early, inspiring, and charming works from V...

‘Windowkill’ Battles the Play Area as You Shoot Enemy F...

Windowkill faces enemy ships as well as the available space you have to move, re...

‘IKEELYA’ Mixes Assassinations With Interior Design

IKEELYA sees you guiding sniper shots for money and then turning your financial ...

‘Magic Cats Pots’ Turns Broken Pottery Into Cosy Puzzles

Magic Cats Pots is a cosy puzzle game where you need to put broken objects (each...

Trailer Tuesday – Keep the Techno Critters

Trailer Tuesday sees us managing the door at a night club, deciding what to do w...

‘Kiting Cat’ Cooks Food by Pushing Trays the Right Way

Kiting Cat is a block-puzzle sliding game where you push food together to make m...

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