The case of COM failing to pump messages in a single-threaded COM apartment
A customer encountered a hang caused by COM not pumping messages while waiting for a cross-thread operation to complete. They were using the task_sequencer class for serializing asynchronous operations on a UI thread they created to handle accessibility callbacks. The hang stack looked like this: ntdll!ZwWaitForMultipleObjects+0x4 KERNELBASE!WaitForMultipleObjectsEx+0xe0 combase!MTAThreadDispatchCrossApartmentCall+0x3a0 combase!CSyncClientCall::SendReceive2+0x65c combase!DefaultSendReceive+0x88 combase!CSyncClientCall::SendReceive+0x390 combase!CClientChannel::SendReceive+0xc0 combase!NdrExtpProxySendReceive+0x68 rpcrt4!NdrpClientCall3+0x764 combase!ObjectStublessClient+0x180 […] The post The case of COM failing to pump messages in a single-threaded COM apartment appeared first on The Old New Thing.

A customer encountered a hang caused by COM not pumping messages while waiting for a cross-thread operation to complete. They were using the task_
class for serializing asynchronous operations on a UI thread they created to handle accessibility callbacks.
The hang stack looked like this:
ntdll!ZwWaitForMultipleObjects+0x4 KERNELBASE!WaitForMultipleObjectsEx+0xe0 combase!MTAThreadDispatchCrossApartmentCall+0x3a0 combase!CSyncClientCall::SendReceive2+0x65c combase!DefaultSendReceive+0x88 combase!CSyncClientCall::SendReceive+0x390 combase!CClientChannel::SendReceive+0xc0 combase!NdrExtpProxySendReceive+0x68 rpcrt4!NdrpClientCall3+0x764 combase!ObjectStublessClient+0x180 combase!ObjectStubless+0x34 combase!CObjectContext::InternalContextCallback+0x3f0 combase!CObjectContext::ContextCallback+0x80 contoso!winrt::impl::resume_apartment_sync+0x58 contoso!winrt::impl::resume_apartment+0xe8 contoso!winrt::impl::apartment_awaiter::await_suspend+0x6c contoso!⟦lambda...⟧::operator()<⟦...⟧>+0x1c8 contoso!task_sequencer::chained_task::continue_with+0x38 contoso!task_sequencer::QueueTaskAsync<⟦...⟧>+0xd0 contoso!⟦lambda...⟧::+0xa0 user32!__ClientCallWinEventProc+0x34 ntdll!KiUserCallbackDispatcherReturn win32u!ZwUserGetMessage+0x4 user32!GetMessageW+0x28 contoso!⟦lambda...⟧::operator()+0x204 contoso!std::thread::_Invoke<⟦lambda...⟧>+0x24 ucrtbase!thread_start +0x48 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x40 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x44
We see that we have a UI thread (notice the GetMessage
at the bottom of the stack), yet COM decided to block without pumping messages (WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
instead of (MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
Is this a bug in the task sequencer?
Let’s look at the stack more closely. A message arrived via __ClientCallWinEventProc
, and that then queued a task into the task sequencer. The continue_
saw that the task sequencer had no active task, so it ran the new task immediately. That new task wants to run on a different thread, so C++/WinRT’s apartment-switching code kicked in.
The apartment-switching code went to resume_IContextCallback::
, and that called into the COM thread-switching infrastructure, which doesn’t pump messages while wiating for the destination apartment to respond.
Now, COM is a rather mature technology, and this code path is execised constantly throughout the system, so it’s unlikely that it simply “forgot” to pump messages. The function name MTAThreadDispatchCrossApartmentCall
strongly suggests that COM thinks that the thread is in an MTA. And the use of resume_
suggests that C++/WinRT also thinks that the thread is in an MTA:
else if (is_sta_thread()) { resume_apartment_on_threadpool( context.m_context, handle, failure); return true; } else { return resume_apartment_sync( context.m_context, handle, failure); }
If this were an STA thread, then we would have called resume_
instead of resume_
Let’s take a closer look at this thread:
// Create a thread to receive accessibility notifications. m_thread = std::thread([this] { ::SetThreadDescription(::GetCurrentThread(), L"Accessibility STA"); ⟦ ... ⟧ wil::unique_hwineventhook hook(SetWinEventHook(⟦...⟧)); THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF_NULL(hook); MSG msg; while (!m_stop && GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } });
Ah, so there’s your problem.
The thread claims to be an STA thread:
::SetThreadDescription(::GetCurrentThread(), L"Accessibility STA");
But there is nothing in the thread procedure that actually makes it an STA thread. It never initialized COM in single-threaded mode.
The thread merely engaged in wishful thinking, proclaming itself to be an STA thread without actually becoming one. (Or maybe it believed in nominative determinism: The mere act of calling itself an STA thread was sufficient to make it true.)
Since COM is already initialized elsewhere in the process, the new thread gets put into the implicit MTA by default, and it took no action to leave it, so from COM’s point of view, this thread is an MTA thread. And MTA threads are allowed to block without pumping messages.
What they need to do is actually make it an STA thread, say, by calling CoInitializeEx
with the COINIT_
flag, and then uninitializing COM before the thread exits to return the thread to its original state. You can kill two birds with one stone with the help of the WIL RAII type.
// Create a thread to receive accessibility notifications.
m_thread = std::thread([this] {
auto uninit = wil::CoInitializeEx(COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED);
::SetThreadDescription(::GetCurrentThread(), L"Accessibility STA");
⟦ ... ⟧
wil::unique_hwineventhook hook(SetWinEventHook(⟦...⟧));
MSG msg;
while (!m_stop && GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {
The post The case of COM failing to pump messages in a single-threaded COM apartment appeared first on The Old New Thing.