
use case relationship generalization

I'm creating a use case diagram. Is it correct to make gaining muscle/maintainin...

use case relationship generalazation

i'm creating use case diagram, i'm confuse in this part, is it correct to put it...

Diagram for Parallel processes

What type of diagram can I use to model parallel processes interacting with a sh...

Split single repository/service into pieces in clean ar...

I'm curious to know your opinion on how to organize code in services and reposit...

Must getters return values as is?

We have entities with numeric properties, they are of boxed types (e.g. Integer)...

I'm confused how to structure my pom.xml when both Pare...

Let's say I have the following maven projects. UtilsLibrary -- A maven project ...

Split single repository/service into pieces in clean ar...

I'm curious to know your opinion on how to organize code in services and reposit...

Ensuring type safety, honoring supertype contract [closed]

If I can't do instanceof T in Java (due to type erasure), then how do I write a ...

How to create a JSON for my SVG? [closed]

I am building a Animation Video Tool that create animation video based on availa...

Ensuring type safety, honoring supertype contract

If I can't do instanceof T in Java (due to type erasure), then how do I write a ...

How to create a JSON for my SVG?

I am building a Animation Video Tool that create animation video based on availa...

How to implement a server application that can reload c...

I have a game server implemented in Python to which clients can connect and play...

use case relationships and actors specification

i'm making a use case diagram for a specific system, the question is if the requ...

What data type should a repository return?

In domain driven design, repositories are created for aggregate roots only. Does...

Automatic regressiontests with change detection in blue...

Our product is almost fully deployed in CI, however one remaining part that we h...

Holding state in a service class in MVVM

In my SwiftUI app, I have a UpNextManager view model and a service class called ...

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