Cities Skylines becomes a minimalist, tile-based city builder in Dawnfolk
At a first glance, you might not think that Dawnfolk is a city builder. With its tile-based approach and minimalist art style, it perhaps resembles a cozy puzzler more than a Cities Skylines rival. However, you’d be wrong. Built by a single developer, Dawnfolk takes a more streamlined approach to city building while retaining a lot of the deep strategic gameplay fans of the genre love, and it’s just launched on Steam. Continue reading Cities Skylines becomes a minimalist, tile-based city builder in Dawnfolk MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Best city building games, Best indie games, Best PC games

At a first glance, you might not think that Dawnfolk is a city builder. With its tile-based approach and minimalist art style, it perhaps resembles a cozy puzzler more than a Cities Skylines rival. However, you’d be wrong. Built by a single developer, Dawnfolk takes a more streamlined approach to city building while retaining a lot of the deep strategic gameplay fans of the genre love, and it’s just launched on Steam.
MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Best city building games, Best indie games, Best PC games