Clearing static state before testing each method

My SUT class depends on external static state (which generally should be avoided, I know). How do I make sure my tests do not depend on their order of execution? I mean other by introducing some reset()/clear() method that is invoked @BeforeEach test. I'm not 100% comfortable introducing changes in business code solely for testing (the business logic does not require such a method, at least not yet). /* This is the essence of it: MyClass is one of Cache's clients: if it can get a cached MyData instance, it doesn't use its dao */ @Test void doSomething_ifDataCached_noDbCalls() { MyData data = new MyData("some expensive data"); Cache.cache(data); MyDao dao = mock(); MyClass myClass = new MyClass(daoMock); myClass.doSomething(); then(daoMock).shouldHaveNoInteractions(); } @Test void doSomething_ifDataNotCached_noDbCalls() { MyData data = new MyData("some expensive data"); // no Cache.cache(data) call this time MyDao dao = mock(); given(dao.findData()).willReturn(Arrays.asList(data)); MyClass myClass = new MyClass(daoMock); myClass.doSomething(); // fails given this test order: the data's still in cache from the pervious test then(daoMock).should().findData(); } // works but a bit questionable @BeforeEach void setUp() { Cache.clear(); } It's not a "how do I do X" question. Rather, it's about how I can ensure a solid test design. JUnit 5, Mockito, Java 8.

Feb 9, 2025 - 18:14
Clearing static state before testing each method

My SUT class depends on external static state (which generally should be avoided, I know).

How do I make sure my tests do not depend on their order of execution?

I mean other by introducing some reset()/clear() method that is invoked @BeforeEach test. I'm not 100% comfortable introducing changes in business code solely for testing (the business logic does not require such a method, at least not yet).

    /* This is the essence of it:
       MyClass is one of Cache's clients: if it can get 
       a cached MyData instance, it doesn't use its dao */
    void doSomething_ifDataCached_noDbCalls() {
        MyData data = new MyData("some expensive data");

        MyDao dao = mock();
        MyClass myClass = new MyClass(daoMock);



    void doSomething_ifDataNotCached_noDbCalls() {
        MyData data = new MyData("some expensive data");
        // no Cache.cache(data) call this time
        MyDao dao = mock();

        MyClass myClass = new MyClass(daoMock);


        // fails given this test order: the data's still in cache from the pervious test
// works but a bit questionable
    void setUp() {

It's not a "how do I do X" question. Rather, it's about how I can ensure a solid test design.

JUnit 5, Mockito, Java 8.