Matt Gemmell: „Back to Mac“
Almost eight and a half years ago, I switched to using an iPad as my full-time computer, having come from decades of having Macs. In recent years we did get an emergency-use shared/household M2 MacBook Air, which my wife would occasionally take out of the cupboard. Now, that laptop has become my computer. […] Hereweiterlesen

Almost eight and a half years ago, I switched to using an iPad as my full-time computer, having come from decades of having Macs.
In recent years we did get an emergency-use shared/household M2 MacBook Air, which my wife would occasionally take out of the cupboard. Now, that laptop has become my computer. […]
Here are some observations. They may not be yours, but they are mine. I can assure you that I’ve done my homework, and that I’ve given both platforms a fair chance. Nor am I going to pronounce a winner, not just because that notion presupposes a homogeneity of usage and need which doesn’t reflect the diversity of reality, and also not just because the two platforms possess both shared and heterogeneous properties not facilitating reductive comparison, but because it’s stupid. There doesn’t need to be a winner. Let’s learn that single lesson one of these centuries.
Für mich bleibt es nicht entweder oder, sondern und – fürs Beste aus macOS und iPadOS. Wie Gemmell die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Betriebssystemen zerlegt, ist wirklich wundervoll.
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