Delta Force: Black Hawk Down is a welcome revival of old-fashioned co-op

Team Jade’s hit shooter Delta Force is doing its part to revive the dying art of co-op chaos. Based on Ridley Scott’s Academy Award-winning war epic Black Hawk Down, the FPS game's new campaign adds a fresh coat of paint to a genre classic. Rather than treading into threats unknown with an AI-controlled squad, you’ll bear arms with your friends in a pulse-pounding retelling of the Battle of Mogadishu. Continue reading Delta Force: Black Hawk Down is a welcome revival of old-fashioned co-op MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Delta Force guns, Delta Force operators, Delta Force loadouts

Feb 21, 2025 - 06:20
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down is a welcome revival of old-fashioned co-op
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down is a welcome revival of old-fashioned co-op

Team Jade’s hit shooter Delta Force is doing its part to revive the dying art of co-op chaos. Based on Ridley Scott’s Academy Award-winning war epic Black Hawk Down, the FPS game's new campaign adds a fresh coat of paint to a genre classic. Rather than treading into threats unknown with an AI-controlled squad, you’ll bear arms with your friends in a pulse-pounding retelling of the Battle of Mogadishu.

MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Delta Force guns, Delta Force operators, Delta Force loadouts