Dependency inversion without inversion of control

Here, have a sandwich. For years I've been thinking about the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) and Inversion of Control (IoC) as two different things. While there's some overlap, they're not the same. To make matters more confusing, most people seem to consider IoC and Dependency Injection (DI) as interchangeable synonyms. As Steven van Deursen and I explain in DIPPP, they're not the same. I recently found myself in a discussion on Stack Overflow where I was trying to untangle that confusion for a fellow Stack Overflow user. While I hadn't included a pedagogical Venn diagram, perhaps I should have. This figure suggests that the sets are of equal size, which doesn't have to be the case. The point, rather, is that while the intersection may be substantial, each relative complement is not only not empty, but richly populated. In this article, I'm not going to spend more time on the complement IoC without DIP. Rather, I'll expand on how to apply the DIP without IoC. Appeal to authority? # While writing the Stack Overflow answer, I'd tried to keep citations to 'original sources'. Sometimes, when a problem is technically concrete, it makes sense for me to link to one of my own works, but I've found that when the discussion is more abstract, that rarely helps convincing people. That's understandable. I'd also be sceptical if I were to run into some rando that immediately proceeded to argue a case by linking to his or her own blog. This strategy, however elicited this response: "Are you aware of any DIP-compliant example from Robert Martin that does not utilize polymorphism? The original paper along with some of Martin's lectures certainly seem to imply the DIP requires polymorphism." comment, jaco0646 That's a fair question, and once I started looking for such examples, I had to admit that I couldn't find any. Eventually, I asked Robert C. Martin directly. "Does the DIP require polymorphism? I argue that it does't, but I've managed to entangle myself in a debate where original sources count. Could you help us out?" Tweet, me To which he answered in much detail, but of which the essential response was: "The DIP does not require polymorphism. Polymorphism is just one of several mechanisms to achieve dependency inversion." Tweet, Robert C. Martin While this was the answer I'd hoped for, it's easy to dismiss this exchange as an appeal to authority. On the other hand, as Carl Sagan said, "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe," which obviously isn't practical, and so we instead stand on the shoulders of giants. In this context, asking Robert C. Martin was relevant because he's the original author of works that introduce the DIP. It's reasonable to assume that he has relevant insights on the topic. It's not that I can't argue my case independently, but rather that I didn't think that the comments section of a Stack Overflow question was the right place to do that. This blog, on the other hand, is mine, I can use all the words I'd like, and I'll now proceed to do so. Kernel of the idea # All of Robert C. Martin's treatments of the DIP that I've found starts with the general idea and then proceeds to show examples of implementing it in code. As I've already mentioned, I haven't found a text of Martin's where the example doesn't utilize IoC. The central idea, however, says nothing about IoC. "A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions. "B. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend upon abstractions." APPP, Robert C. Martin While only Martin knows what he actually meant, I can attempt a congenial reading of the work. What is most important here, I think, is that the word abstraction doesn't have to denote a particular kind of language construct, such as an abstract class or interface. Rather, "Abstraction is the elimination of the irrelevant and the amplification of the essential." Designing Object-Oriented C++ Applications Using The Booch Method, ch. 00, Robert C. Martin, his emphasis The same connotation of abstraction seems to apply to the definition of the DIP. If, for example, we imagine that we consider a Domain Model, the business logic, as the essence we'd like to amplify, we may rightfully consider a particular persistence mechanism a detail. Even more concretely, if you want to take re

Jan 27, 2025 - 19:58
Dependency inversion without inversion of control

Here, have a sandwich.

For years I've been thinking about the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) and Inversion of Control (IoC) as two different things. While there's some overlap, they're not the same. To make matters more confusing, most people seem to consider IoC and Dependency Injection (DI) as interchangeable synonyms. As Steven van Deursen and I explain in DIPPP, they're not the same.

I recently found myself in a discussion on Stack Overflow where I was trying to untangle that confusion for a fellow Stack Overflow user. While I hadn't included a pedagogical Venn diagram, perhaps I should have.

Venn diagram with DIP to the left and IoC to the right. The intersection is substantial, but not overwhelming.

This figure suggests that the sets are of equal size, which doesn't have to be the case. The point, rather, is that while the intersection may be substantial, each relative complement is not only not empty, but richly populated.

In this article, I'm not going to spend more time on the complement IoC without DIP. Rather, I'll expand on how to apply the DIP without IoC.

Appeal to authority? #

While writing the Stack Overflow answer, I'd tried to keep citations to 'original sources'. Sometimes, when a problem is technically concrete, it makes sense for me to link to one of my own works, but I've found that when the discussion is more abstract, that rarely helps convincing people. That's understandable. I'd also be sceptical if I were to run into some rando that immediately proceeded to argue a case by linking to his or her own blog.

This strategy, however elicited this response:

"Are you aware of any DIP-compliant example from Robert Martin that does not utilize polymorphism? The original paper along with some of Martin's lectures certainly seem to imply the DIP requires polymorphism."

That's a fair question, and once I started looking for such examples, I had to admit that I couldn't find any. Eventually, I asked Robert C. Martin directly.

"Does the DIP require polymorphism? I argue that it does't, but I've managed to entangle myself in a debate where original sources count. Could you help us out?"

To which he answered in much detail, but of which the essential response was:

"The DIP does not require polymorphism. Polymorphism is just one of several mechanisms to achieve dependency inversion."

While this was the answer I'd hoped for, it's easy to dismiss this exchange as an appeal to authority. On the other hand, as Carl Sagan said, "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe," which obviously isn't practical, and so we instead stand on the shoulders of giants.

In this context, asking Robert C. Martin was relevant because he's the original author of works that introduce the DIP. It's reasonable to assume that he has relevant insights on the topic.

It's not that I can't argue my case independently, but rather that I didn't think that the comments section of a Stack Overflow question was the right place to do that. This blog, on the other hand, is mine, I can use all the words I'd like, and I'll now proceed to do so.

Kernel of the idea #

All of Robert C. Martin's treatments of the DIP that I've found starts with the general idea and then proceeds to show examples of implementing it in code. As I've already mentioned, I haven't found a text of Martin's where the example doesn't utilize IoC.

The central idea, however, says nothing about IoC.

"A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.

"B. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend upon abstractions."

APPP, Robert C. Martin

While only Martin knows what he actually meant, I can attempt a congenial reading of the work. What is most important here, I think, is that the word abstraction doesn't have to denote a particular kind of language construct, such as an abstract class or interface. Rather,

"Abstraction is the elimination of the irrelevant and the amplification of the essential."

The same connotation of abstraction seems to apply to the definition of the DIP. If, for example, we imagine that we consider a Domain Model, the business logic, as the essence we'd like to amplify, we may rightfully consider a particular persistence mechanism a detail. Even more concretely, if you want to take restaurant reservations via a REST API, the business rules that determine whether or not you can accept a reservation shouldn't depend on a particular database technology.

While code examples are useful, there's evidently a risk that if the examples are too much alike, it may constrain readers' thinking. All Martin's examples seem to involve IoC, but for years now, I've mostly been interested in the Dependency Inversion Principle itself. Abstractions should not depend on details. That's the kernel of the idea.

IoC isn't functional #

My thinking was probably helped along by exploring functional programming (FP). A natural question arises when one embarks on learning FP: How does IoC fit with FP? The short answer, it turns out, is that it doesn't. DI, at least, makes everything impure.

Does this mean, then, that FP precludes the DIP? That would be a problem, since the notion that abstractions shouldn't depend on details seems important. Doing FP shouldn't entail giving up on important architectural rules. And fortunately, it turns out not being the case. Quite the contrary, a consistent application of functional architecture seems to lead to Ports and Adapters. It'd go against the grain of FP to have a Domain Model query a relational database. Even if abstracted away, a database exists outside the process space of an application, and is inherently impure. IoC doesn't address that concern.

In FP, there are other ways to address such problems.

DIP sandwich #

While you can always model pure interactions with free monads, it's usually not necessary. In most cases, an Impureim Sandwich suffices.

The sample code base that accompanies Code That Fits in Your Head takes a similar approach. While it's possible to refactor it to an explicit Impureim Sandwich, the code presented in the book follows the kindred notion of Functional Core, Imperative Shell.

The code base implements an online restaurant reservation system, and the Domain Model is a set of data structures and pure functions that operate on them. The central and most complex function is the WillAccept method shown here. It decides whether to accept a reservation request, based on restaurant table configurations, existing reservations, business rules related to seating durations, etc. It does this without depending on details. It doesn't know about databases, the application's configuration system, or how to send emails in case it decides to accept a reservation.

All of this is handled by the application's HTTP Model, using the demarcation shown in Decomposing CTFiYH's sample code base. The HTTP Model defines Controllers, Data Transfer Objects (DTOs), middleware, and other building blocks required to drive the actual REST API.

The ReservationsController class contains, among many other methods, this helper method that illustrates the point:

private async Task TryCreate(Restaurant restaurant, Reservation reservation)
    using var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled);
    var reservations = await Repository.ReadReservations(restaurant.Id, reservation.At);
    var now = Clock.GetCurrentDateTime();
    if (!restaurant.MaitreD.WillAccept(now, reservations, reservation))
        return NoTables500InternalServerError();
    await Repository.Create(restaurant.Id, reservation);
    return Reservation201Created(restaurant.Id, reservation);

Notice the call to restaurant.MaitreD.WillAccept. The Controller gathers all data required to call the pure function and subsequently acts on the return value. This keeps the abstraction (MaitreD) free of implementation details.

DI addressing another concern #

You may be wondering what exactly Repository is. If you've bought the book, you also have access to the sample code base, in which case you'd be able to look it up. It turns out that it's an injected dependency. While this may seem a bit contradictory, it also gives me the opportunity to discuss that this isn't an all-or-nothing proposition.

Consider the architecture diagram from Decomposing CTFiYH's sample code base, repeated here for convenience:

Ports-and-adapters architecture diagram.

In the context of this diagram, the DIP is being applied in two different ways. From the outer Web Host to the HTTP Model, the decomposed code base uses ordinary DI. From the HTTP Model to the Domain Model, there's no inversion of control, but rather the important essence of the DIP: That the Domain Model doesn't depend on any of the details that surrounds it. Even so, the dependencies remain inverted, as indicated by the arrows.

What little DI that's left remains to support automated testing. Injecting Repository and a few other real dependencies enabled me to test-drive the externally visible behaviour of the system with state-based self-hosted tests.

If I hadn't cared about that, I could have hard-coded the SqlReservationsRepository object directly into the Controller and merged the Web Host with the HTTP Module. The Web Host is quite minimal anyway. This would, of course, have meant that the DIP no longer applied at that level, but even so, the interaction between the HTTP Model and the Domain Model would still follow the principle.

One important point about the above figure is that it's not to scale. The Web Host is in reality just six small classes, and the SQL and SMTP libraries each only contain a single class.

Conclusion #

Despite the name similarity, the Dependency Inversion Principle isn't equivalent with Inversion of Control or Dependency Injection. There's a sizeable intersection between the two, but the DIP doesn't require IoC.

I often use the Functional Core, Imperative Shell architecture, or the Impureim Sandwich pattern to invert the dependencies without inverting control. This keeps most of my code more functional, which also means that it fits better in my head and is intrinsically testable.

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