Deploy NGINX Web Server on AWS EC2 Ubuntu Server. DevOps HNG12 Stage 0 Task
Introduction Cloud Computing is a fundamental skill for DevOps professionals. This document outlines the steps I took to install and configure an NGINX web server on an AWS EC2 instance with an Ubuntu image installed. The goal here is to deploy a functional web server on AWS cloud infrastructure. Project Setup Deploy AWS EC2 Instance My instance name: My Nginx Server AMI: Ubuntu Server 24.04 Instance Type: t2 micro Key pair: nginx-web-key SG: Allow SSH traffic from Connect to the EC2 instance Connect to the EC2 instance using the EC2 CMD and run sudo apt update to update the package list. Run Sudo apt install nginx -y to install the Nginx package. Start and enable Nginx on the web server Configure the html page, run sudo nano /var/www/html/index.html Edit the html contant Save and exit. Restart and check the status of the Nginx package. Status output Open a web browser, then copy and paste the EC2 public URL. Challenge Faced. My web page was not reachable until I opened the web page with Chrome incognito browser, that was when I was able to view the page. Conclusion As a beginner in achieving this stage 0 task, I was excited after completing this project.

Cloud Computing is a fundamental skill for DevOps professionals. This document outlines the steps I took to install and configure an NGINX web server on an AWS EC2 instance with an Ubuntu image installed. The goal here is to deploy a functional web server on AWS cloud infrastructure.
Project Setup
Deploy AWS EC2 Instance
- My instance name: My Nginx Server
- AMI: Ubuntu Server 24.04
- Instance Type: t2 micro
- Key pair: nginx-web-key
- SG: Allow SSH traffic from
Connect to the EC2 instance
- Connect to the EC2 instance using the EC2 CMD and run sudo apt update to update the package list.
- Run Sudo apt install nginx -y to install the Nginx package.
- Start and enable Nginx on the web server
Configure the html page, run sudo nano /var/www/html/index.html
Edit the html contant
Save and exit.
- Restart and check the status of the Nginx package.
- Status output
- Open a web browser, then copy and paste the EC2 public URL.
- Challenge Faced. My web page was not reachable until I opened the web page with Chrome incognito browser, that was when I was able to view the page.
As a beginner in achieving this stage 0 task, I was excited after completing this project.