FFXIV Echoes of Vana’diel FFXI Sale Starts
Square Enix is currently running a sale that offers a discount to players who buy a 30-day subscription to Final Fantasy XI while already subscribed to Final Fantasy XIV. The sale runs until March 11, 2025, it and cuts the cost of the FFXI basic service fee from $11.95 down to $5.95. That is $6.95 with character fee. The subscription discount applies only to FFXI accounts created or reactivated during the campaign, and said account must be linked to a Square Enix account that has an active FFXIV subscription. The discount also only applies to the basic service fee, as FFXI also requires players to pay an extra $1 fee per active character. Additionally, first time players of FFXI will be eligible for a free 30 days of play time, in which case the discount will be available after that free period ends. The sale is meant to capitalize on the FFXI-themed Echoes of Vana'diel alliance raid series, part 1 of which which was added to FFXIV in Patch 7.1 last year. Producers Yoshida and Murouchi also recently laid out the schedule for the next few patches in a Letter from the Producer livestream. Both Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XI are readily available for PC, with the Echoes of Vana'diel sale lasting until March 11, 2025. Final Fantasy XIV is also available on PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. The post FFXIV Echoes of Vana’diel FFXI Sale Starts appeared first on Siliconera.

Square Enix is currently running a sale that offers a discount to players who buy a 30-day subscription to Final Fantasy XI while already subscribed to Final Fantasy XIV. The sale runs until March 11, 2025, it and cuts the cost of the FFXI basic service fee from $11.95 down to $5.95. That is $6.95 with character fee.
The subscription discount applies only to FFXI accounts created or reactivated during the campaign, and said account must be linked to a Square Enix account that has an active FFXIV subscription. The discount also only applies to the basic service fee, as FFXI also requires players to pay an extra $1 fee per active character. Additionally, first time players of FFXI will be eligible for a free 30 days of play time, in which case the discount will be available after that free period ends.
The sale is meant to capitalize on the FFXI-themed Echoes of Vana'diel alliance raid series, part 1 of which which was added to FFXIV in Patch 7.1 last year. Producers Yoshida and Murouchi also recently laid out the schedule for the next few patches in a Letter from the Producer livestream.
Both Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XI are readily available for PC, with the Echoes of Vana'diel sale lasting until March 11, 2025. Final Fantasy XIV is also available on PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.
The post FFXIV Echoes of Vana’diel FFXI Sale Starts appeared first on Siliconera.