GMR earnings calculator
Check out this GMR calculator I made! Use this to optimize your additional fund investment based on your Future withdrawals. Don't let the extra money sleep, make it work in funds. How to use this calculator. Enter your total weekly earnings (daily earnings * 6 days) Select your withdrawal date Add your fund investment maturity date, fund name and total amount earned. You can click "add Row" to add more fund investments. Hit Compute Now to start calculating.

Check out this GMR calculator I made! Use this to optimize your additional fund investment based on your Future withdrawals. Don't let the extra money sleep, make it work in funds.
How to use this calculator.
- Enter your total weekly earnings (daily earnings * 6 days)
- Select your withdrawal date
Add your fund investment maturity date, fund name and total amount earned. You can click "add Row" to add more fund investments.
Hit Compute Now to start calculating.