[iRIC] [New Feature] How to Use Project-Specific Default Colormap Settings
Introduction A very useful new feature has been added! Have you ever customized the colormap settings to your liking... ...only to find that you have to set everything again when opening a new visualization window? This new feature solves that problem with just one button! How to Use Once you've adjusted the colormap settings to your preference, simply click the newly added "Set as Default" button. After setting it as the default, any new visualization window will automatically use this colormap setting. This is a very convenient feature, so be sure to take advantage of it! Note: The default setting is saved for each scalar individually. Every time you click "Set as Default", the previous setting is overwritten. If you want to keep the old colormap settings, use the export feature. Below is an advanced section for those who are interested. Learn More Where Default Settings Are Stored The project-specific default colormap settings are stored in the project.xml file, which contains project information. Note: If you saved the project using "Save As Project", project.xml will be located in the corresponding folder. If you saved the project using "Save As File(*.ipro)", extract the .ipro file to find project.xml inside. If you open project.xml in a text editor, you will see something like this: How to Delete Default Colormap Settings To remove a default colormap setting, open project.xml in a text editor and delete the corresponding scalar's settings, then save the file.
![[iRIC] [New Feature] How to Use Project-Specific Default Colormap Settings](https://media2.dev.to/dynamic/image/width=800%2Cheight=%2Cfit=scale-down%2Cgravity=auto%2Cformat=auto/https%3A%2F%2Fdev-to-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fuploads%2Farticles%2Fw9og26wl0hp90rm1vo4p.png)
A very useful new feature has been added!
Have you ever customized the colormap settings to your liking...
...only to find that you have to set everything again when opening a new visualization window?
This new feature solves that problem with just one button!
How to Use
Once you've adjusted the colormap settings to your preference, simply click the newly added "Set as Default" button.
After setting it as the default, any new visualization window will automatically use this colormap setting.
This is a very convenient feature, so be sure to take advantage of it!
- The default setting is saved for each scalar individually.
- Every time you click "Set as Default", the previous setting is overwritten. If you want to keep the old colormap settings, use the export feature.
Below is an advanced section for those who are interested.
Learn More
Where Default Settings Are Stored
The project-specific default colormap settings are stored in the project.xml
file, which contains project information.
- If you saved the project using "Save As Project",
will be located in the corresponding folder.- If you saved the project using "Save As File(*.ipro)", extract the
file to findproject.xml
If you open project.xml
in a text editor, you will see something like this:
version="" solverName="Nays2DH" solverVersion="1.6.4" coordinateSystem="EPSG:2454" timeFormat="elapsed|SS sec" customTimeFormat="" offsetX="0" offsetY="0" separateResult="false">
filename="Case1" comment=""/>
name="Depth(m)" transitionMode="0" valueMode="1" autoValueRange="false" minValue="0.1" maxValue="13" fillUppeer="true" fillLower="false" colorTableMinValue="0" visible="true" direction="0" barAutoWidth="false" barWidth="30" barAlign="1" title="Depth(m)" autoNumberOfLabels="true" numberOfLabels="9" labelSkipRate="1" labelFormat="%5.2f" titleFont="Times New Roman,20,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular" labelFont="Times New Roman,20,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular" titleColor="#000000" labelColor="#000000" backgroundColor="#ffffff" backgroundOpacityEnabled="true" backgroundOpacityPercent="20" showBorder="true" position="4" horizontalMarginRatio="0.1224" verticalMarginRatio="0.094" autoSize="true" width="636" height="126">
- value="0" color="#f7fbff" transparent="false"/>
- value="0.125" color="#deebf7" transparent="false"/>
- value="0.25" color="#c6dbef" transparent="false"/>
- value="0.375" color="#9ecae1" transparent="false"/>
- value="0.5" color="#6baed6" transparent="false"/>
- value="0.625" color="#4292c6" transparent="false"/>
- value="0.75" color="#2171b5" transparent="false"/>
- value="0.875" color="#08519c" transparent="false"/>
- value="1" color="#08306b" transparent="false"/>
minimized="false" maximized="false" left="30" top="30" width="700" height="500" backgroundColor="#c8c8c8"/>
name="graph2dhybridwindow" value="1"/>
name="graph2dscatteredwindow" value="6"/>
name="post2dbirdeyewindow" value="2"/>
name="post2dwindow" value="18"/>
name="postcrosssectionwindow" value="4"/>
How to Delete Default Colormap Settings
To remove a default colormap setting, open project.xml in a text editor and delete the corresponding scalar's settings, then save the file.