Please, call a job cut a job cut
Bioware released a statement yesterday. It talked of "turning towards the future". It dreamed of "a more agile, focused studio". Nowhere in the post did the word "layoffs" appear. But this is what the post was actually about. The closest it got to addressing the facts of what happened to an unspecified number of workers is the phrase: "we don’t require support from the full studio." It's one of the most disingenuous announcements of job cuts in a recent and plentiful history of job cuts. A weirdly impressive feat from BioWare, considering the last two or three years have seen some spectacular verbal gymnastics from games companies when it comes to shitcanning people. Let's take a look at some of our "favourite" mealy-mouthed press releases in which people have their jobs poetically "sunsetted" rather than, say, dropkicked out the window. Read more

Bioware released a statement yesterday. It talked of "turning towards the future". It dreamed of "a more agile, focused studio". Nowhere in the post did the word "layoffs" appear. But this is what the post was actually about. The closest it got to addressing the facts of what happened to an unspecified number of workers is the phrase: "we don’t require support from the full studio."
It's one of the most disingenuous announcements of job cuts in a recent and plentiful history of job cuts. A weirdly impressive feat from BioWare, considering the last two or three years have seen some spectacular verbal gymnastics from games companies when it comes to shitcanning people. Let's take a look at some of our "favourite" mealy-mouthed press releases in which people have their jobs poetically "sunsetted" rather than, say, dropkicked out the window.