Terraform_Data - Avoiding Duplicate Resource Violations in Azure with checks

Overview Welcome to another post in the Terraform series, Terraform ERRORS! In this post, we'll explore how to avoid duplicate resource violations in Azure when working with Terraform by using the terraform_data resource to check if a resource already exists before creating it. In the previous post of this series: "Mastering Idempotency Violations - Handling Resource Conflicts and Failures in Azure", you may already be familiar with using null_resource and local-exec provisioners to run scripts or perform certain actions that will not be recorded to a Terraform configurations state file. Luckily, the same functionality is now natively supported in Terraform using the terraform_data block instead, and null_resource is now deprecated. With Terraform v1.4 the same functionality is now natively built-in. Essentially an empty container resource that does everything null_resource did, but without the extra baggage of managing a separate provider. This new resource also has feature parity with null_resource, so you can switch over without missing a beat. Let's take a look at a scenario where you can use the terraform_data resource to avoid duplicate resource violations in Azure when working with Terraform. Scenario A typical scenario is when you try to create a resource in Azure, but it already exists (perhaps it was created outside of Terraform or during a previous run). This can lead to errors like Error: A resource with the ID already exists - to be managed via Terraform this resource needs to be imported into the State. If you want to manage the resource in Terraform, you can use the import block to import the existing resource into Terraform's state. Have a look at my previous post: "Mastering Idempotency Violations - Handling Resource Conflicts and Failures in Azure" to see how you can import existing resources into Terraform's state using the new "import" block if the resource needs to be managed by Terraform. However, in some cases you may not want to import the resource or manage the resource in Terraform. Perhaps it is out of scope of your responsibility for managing the resource, or it may be part of a different deployment. In these situations you can use the terraform_data resource to check if a resource already exists. This way you can avoid the violation by creating the resources only when needed and also ensure your code will remain running if the configuration depends on existing resources that you do not want to manage in Terraform. This method is useful when you want to only check and create resources conditionally and can be more flexible. The only drawback is that you won't be able to manage the resource in Terraform as mentioned, but you can always import the resource if needed later. Example Say for example you want to create resources inside of a resource group called Demo-Inf-Dev-Rg-720, but the resource group already exists and is managed and provisioned by another team in your organisation. If you attempted to create the resource group you will get an error saying that the resource group already exists: Error: A resource with the ID already exists - to be managed via Terraform this resource needs to be imported into the State. An Azure Resource Group is a very basic example, but the same concept can be applied to any resource in Azure that you may have a dependency on that is managed outside of Terraform that was created by another means. In our example, you can use the terraform_data resource with local-exec instead, to check if the resource group exists and only create it if it does not exist. Let's take a look: resource "terraform_data" "rg_check" { input = var.resource_group_name triggers_replace = timestamp() provisioner "local-exec" { # Use the Azure CLI with PowerShell Core to check if the resource group exists and create if not interpreter = ["pwsh", "-Command"] command =

Feb 25, 2025 - 20:19
Terraform_Data - Avoiding Duplicate Resource Violations in Azure with checks


Welcome to another post in the Terraform series, Terraform ERRORS! In this post, we'll explore how to avoid duplicate resource violations in Azure when working with Terraform by using the terraform_data resource to check if a resource already exists before creating it.

In the previous post of this series: "Mastering Idempotency Violations - Handling Resource Conflicts and Failures in Azure", you may already be familiar with using null_resource and local-exec provisioners to run scripts or perform certain actions that will not be recorded to a Terraform configurations state file.

Luckily, the same functionality is now natively supported in Terraform using the terraform_data block instead, and null_resource is now deprecated.

With Terraform v1.4 the same functionality is now natively built-in. Essentially an empty container resource that does everything null_resource did, but without the extra baggage of managing a separate provider.

This new resource also has feature parity with null_resource, so you can switch over without missing a beat.

Let's take a look at a scenario where you can use the terraform_data resource to avoid duplicate resource violations in Azure when working with Terraform.


A typical scenario is when you try to create a resource in Azure, but it already exists (perhaps it was created outside of Terraform or during a previous run). This can lead to errors like Error: A resource with the ID already exists - to be managed via Terraform this resource needs to be imported into the State.

If you want to manage the resource in Terraform, you can use the import block to import the existing resource into Terraform's state.

Have a look at my previous post: "Mastering Idempotency Violations - Handling Resource Conflicts and Failures in Azure" to see how you can import existing resources into Terraform's state using the new "import" block if the resource needs to be managed by Terraform.

However, in some cases you may not want to import the resource or manage the resource in Terraform. Perhaps it is out of scope of your responsibility for managing the resource, or it may be part of a different deployment.

In these situations you can use the terraform_data resource to check if a resource already exists. This way you can avoid the violation by creating the resources only when needed and also ensure your code will remain running if the configuration depends on existing resources that you do not want to manage in Terraform.

This method is useful when you want to only check and create resources conditionally and can be more flexible. The only drawback is that you won't be able to manage the resource in Terraform as mentioned, but you can always import the resource if needed later.


Say for example you want to create resources inside of a resource group called Demo-Inf-Dev-Rg-720, but the resource group already exists and is managed and provisioned by another team in your organisation. If you attempted to create the resource group you will get an error saying that the resource group already exists: Error: A resource with the ID already exists - to be managed via Terraform this resource needs to be imported into the State.


An Azure Resource Group is a very basic example, but the same concept can be applied to any resource in Azure that you may have a dependency on that is managed outside of Terraform that was created by another means.

In our example, you can use the terraform_data resource with local-exec instead, to check if the resource group exists and only create it if it does not exist. Let's take a look:

resource "terraform_data" "rg_check" {
  input            = var.resource_group_name
  triggers_replace = timestamp()

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    # Use the Azure CLI with PowerShell Core to check if the resource group exists and create if not
    interpreter = ["pwsh", "-Command"]
    command     = <<EOT
      $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
      az login --service-principal --username $env:ARM_CLIENT_ID --password $env:ARM_CLIENT_SECRET --tenant $env:ARM_TENANT_ID --output none
      az account set --subscription $env:ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID --output none
      $rg_verify = az group show --name ${var.resource_group_name} --query id --output tsv
      if ($rg_verify) {
        $rg_exist = Write-Output "$rg_verify"
      } else {
        $rg_create = (az group create --name ${var.resource_group_name} --location ${var.location} --query id --output tsv)

output "rg_id_output" {
  description = "The ID of the resource group that was created or already existed"
  value       = terraform_data.rg_check.output

Let's break down the code above and see how it works:

Resource Definition: terraform_data.rg_check

resource "terraform_data" "rg_check" {
  input            = var.resource_group_name
  triggers_replace = timestamp()

This block defines a Terraform resource named terraform_data.rg_check. It has two attributes:

  • input: This is set to the value of the variable var.resource_group_name, which is expected to be the name of the resource group to check.
  • triggers_replace: This is set to the current timestamp(), ensuring that the resource is re-evaluated whenever the timestamp changes. This sort of trigger will cause the resource to be re-evaluated every time the configuration is applied, which is useful when you want to check if the resource exists every time the configuration is applied since it is not managed by Terraform and may change outside of Terraform.

Provisioner: local-exec

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    # Use the Azure CLI with PowerShell Core to check if the resource group exists and create if not
    interpreter = ["pwsh", "-Command"]
    command     = <<EOT
      $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
      az login --service-principal --username $env:ARM_CLIENT_ID --password $env:ARM_CLIENT_SECRET --tenant $env:ARM_TENANT_ID --output none
      az account set --subscription $env:ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID --output none
      $rg_verify = az group show --name ${var.resource_group_name} --query id --output tsv
      if ($rg_verify) {
        $rg_exist = Write-Output "$rg_verify"
      } else {
        $rg_create = (az group create --name ${var.resource_group_name} --location ${var.location} --query id --output tsv)

This nested block inside of the resource, defines a local-exec provisioner, which allows you to run a local command using Powershell Core for example. The provisioner has the following attributes:

  • interpreter: Specifies the interpreter to use, in this case, PowerShell Core (pwsh). You have to make sure that PowerShell Core is installed on the machine where the Terraform configuration is being applied.
  • command: Contains the PowerShell script to execute. The script performs the following:
    • Sets the error action preference to "Stop" to halt execution on any error.
    • Logs into Azure using a service principal with credentials provided via environment variables. In this case the script uses Azure service principal credentials stored as Github Secrets and passed as environment variables into the Github Actions workflow CI/CD process.
    • Sets the Azure subscription context where the service principal has IAM/RBAC access to.
    • Checks if the resource group specified by var.resource_group_name exists using Azure CLI.
    • If the resource group exists, it outputs the resource group ID.
    • If the resource group does not exist, it creates the resource group using Azure CLI in the specified location and outputs the new resource group ID.

Note: The because the script uses a local-exec provisioner, using PowerShell Core, we are also using the Azure CLI to interact with Azure. So you will need to have Azure CLI also installed on the machine where the Terraform configuration is being applied.

Output Definition: rg_id_output

output "rg_id_output" {
  description = "The ID of the resource group that was created or already existed"
  value       = terraform_data.rg_check.output

This block defines an output variable named rg_id_output. It has the following attributes:

  • description: A brief description of the output, indicating that it represents the ID of the resource group that was either created or already existed.
  • value: The value of the output, which is set to terraform_data.rg_check.output. This should be the output from the local-exec provisioner.

Note: The --output flag is set to tsv in the Azure CLI commands to output the result, and the result is then written back to Terraform as an output variable to be used in other parts of the configuration as needed, by using the terraform_data.rg_check. variable. This is useful if you want to only capture specific outputs of the local-exec provisioner and use it in other parts of the Terraform configuration.



In this post, we explored how to avoid duplicate resource violations in Azure when working with Terraform by using the terraform_data resource to check if a resource already exists before creating it conditionally. Remember the resources you create in Azure using this technique will not be managed by Terraform, so if you need to manage the resource in Terraform at a later time, you can always import the resource into Terraform's state when needed.

Have you faced idempotency problems in Terraform? Share your solutions in the comments!

If you enjoyed this post and want to learn more about Terraform and Azure, check out my other Terraform Series Terraform Pro Tips.


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