The EU says WhatsApp now faces the DSA's VLOP rules after Meta said on February 14 that Channels had ~46.8M MAUs in the EU in H2 2024, above the 45M threshold (Gian Volpicelli/Bloomberg)
Gian Volpicelli / Bloomberg: The EU says WhatsApp now faces the DSA's VLOP rules after Meta said on February 14 that Channels had ~46.8M MAUs in the EU in H2 2024, above the 45M threshold — WhatsApp's open channels, which are feeds affiliated with news outlets or public figures that under the DSA are comparable to a social network …

Gian Volpicelli / Bloomberg:
The EU says WhatsApp now faces the DSA's VLOP rules after Meta said on February 14 that Channels had ~46.8M MAUs in the EU in H2 2024, above the 45M threshold — WhatsApp's open channels, which are feeds affiliated with news outlets or public figures that under the DSA are comparable to a social network …