This AI coffee machine uses Google Cloud to tailor your beverages – and you can buy it from Amazon today

SmartHQ AI Coffee Assistant is your friendly virtual barista.

Jan 29, 2025 - 16:05
This AI coffee machine uses Google Cloud to tailor your beverages – and you can buy it from Amazon today

  • The GE Profile Smart Grind & Brew is a drip coffee maker with an AI assistant
  • The assistant can adjust brewing settings based on the questions you ask
  • It's available to buy now from Amazon for $379 (about £300 / AU$600)

Just how smart can a filter coffee machine really be? Very smart indeed, it turns out. GE Profile (the premium division of GE Appliances) has just launched the Smart Grind & Brew – a drip machine that uses Google Cloud AI to help you brew the perfect cup each morning.

The GE Profile Smart Grind & Brew is a slim machine with a built-in conical burr grinder, which means you can enjoy freshly-ground coffee without investing in (and finding space for) two appliances. It also minimizes potential mess because the ground coffee falls directly into the brew basket at the correct dosage, with no weighing or transferring.

The machine also has a built-in water filter, so you can use water directly from the tap without it affecting the flavor of your drink, and helping you get a more consistent taste.

Another particularly nice feature is the inclusion of a removable brewing stand (the part that holds the jug or cup) so the machine can dispense coffee directly into a travel mug. Combined with the built-in timer, this would make it easy to have a fresh filter coffee to take to work, minimizing the risk of caving to temptation and buying a takeaway coffee en route.

Person adjusting grind size on GE Profile Smart Grind & Brew coffee maker

The GE Profile Smart Grind & Brew has an adjustable stainless steel conical burr grinder (Image credit: GE Appliances)

What really makes the Smart Grind & Brew different to the best drip coffee makers we've tested, however, is the SmartHQ AI Coffee Assistant, which is due to roll out to the machine with a software update very soon.

This lets you control the machine remotely using the SmartHQ smart home app, and have a "conversational AI experience" with the assistant. It also enables you to create custom profiles, receive real-time brewing feedback, and "is equipped with intuitive learning that automatically adjusts brewing based on questions asked."

SmartHQ will also let you add your coffee maker to your Amazon Alexa or Google Home smart hub, so you can operate it with voice controls.

So far, so smart

It all sounds very impressive, and the GE Profile Smart Grind & Brew is available to buy now from Amazon for $379 (about £300 / AU$600), which seems to be typical for a connected drip coffee machine.

Is there a catch? Well, although it has an insulated carafe, GE Profile doesn't mention the machine having a hotplate to keep your brewed coffee warm until you're ready for your next cup. That's the same problem I found with another high-tech drip machine I tested recently: the Fellow Aiden Precision Drip Coffee Maker. Although the Aiden could brew an excellent drink, its double-wall insulated carafe just didn't keep it warm long enough without a heat source underneath.

Hopefully that won't be quite so much of a problem with the Smart Grind & Brew, which (unlike the Aiden) is capable of dispensing coffee into other vessels, such as an insulated bottle, which will keep it at a drinkable temperature longer.

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