Top 200 Important Pointers about AWS EMR Service
A quick refresher : Basics and Architecture Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce) is a cloud-based big data platform for processing and analyzing vast amounts of data using open-source tools such as Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Hive, Apache HBase, Apache Flink, and Presto. EMR Architecture consists of: Master Node: Manages the cluster and coordinates distribution of data and tasks Core Nodes: Run tasks and store data in HDFS Task Nodes (Optional): Run tasks but don't store data EMR Cluster Types: Standard clusters: Long-running or transient clusters for general processing Instance fleets: Flexible instance provisioning strategy Instance groups: Traditional instance provisioning model EMR Notebooks provide a managed Jupyter notebook environment that can be attached to EMR clusters for interactive data exploration. EMR Studio offers a web-based IDE for developing, visualizing, and debugging applications written in R, Python, Scala, and PySpark. Cluster Configuration and Sizing Instance Types - EMR supports various EC2 instance types: General purpose (M5, M6g) Compute optimized (C5, C6g) Memory optimized (R5, R6g, X1, z1d) Storage optimized (D2, I3, I3en) Accelerated computing (G4dn, P3) Cluster Sizing Calculation Example: For processing 1TB of data with Spark: - Input data: 1TB - Replication factor: 3x - Processing overhead: 1.5x - Total storage needed: 1TB × 3 × 1.5 = 4.5TB - If using r5.2xlarge (64GB RAM, 8 vCPU): - Cores per node: 8 cores × 0.9 (overhead) = ~7 usable cores - Memory per node: 64GB × 0.9 = ~57.6GB usable memory - Cluster size: ~10-15 nodes depending on processing requirements Master Node Sizing: Small clusters (100 nodes): m5.4xlarge or larger Core Node Sizing depends on workload: Compute-intensive: C5 instances Memory-intensive: R5 instances I/O-intensive: I3 instances Maximum Cluster Size is 1,000 EC2 instances for most regions (soft limit that can be increased via support ticket). Minimum Cluster Size is 1 instance (master node only), but practical minimum is 2 instances (1 master + 1 core). Storage Options HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) is the primary storage system for EMR clusters, distributed across core nodes. EMRFS (EMR File System) allows EMR clusters to directly access S3 as if it were HDFS. Local Storage Options: Instance store: Temporary block-level storage physically attached to host computer EBS volumes: Persistent block storage that can be attached to instances S3 Storage Considerations: Durability: 99.999999999% (11 nines) Availability: 99.99% No storage management overhead Data persists after cluster termination Storage Calculation Example: For a 10-node cluster with r5.2xlarge instances: - Each instance has 1 × 300GB EBS volume - HDFS capacity = 10 nodes × 300GB × 0.9 (HDFS overhead) = 2.7TB - Usable HDFS capacity with replication factor of 3 = 2.7TB ÷ 3 = 900GB EBS Volume Limits: Up to 25 EBS volumes per instance Maximum 64,000 IOPS per instance (io2 Block Express) Maximum 1,000 MiB/s throughput per instance Performance Optimization Data Compression techniques (Snappy, Gzip, LZO) can significantly reduce storage requirements and improve processing speed. File Format Selection impacts performance: Parquet: Column-based, best for analytical queries ORC: Optimized Row Columnar format, excellent for Hive Avro: Row-based, good for record processing JSON/CSV: Flexible but less efficient Partitioning Data by date, region, or category improves query performance by reducing the amount of data scanned. Bucketing organizes data into a fixed number of buckets based on hash of a column value, improving join performance. Spark Performance Tuning: spark.executor.memory: Memory per executor (e.g., 5g) spark.executor.cores: Cores per executor (e.g., 4) spark.driver.memory: Memory for driver (e.g., 10g) spark.default.parallelism: Default number of partitions Spark Memory Calculation Example: For a cluster with 10 nodes, each with 8 cores and 64GB RAM: - Reserve 1 core per node for YARN/Hadoop: 7 usable cores per node - Reserve 10% of memory for OS: ~57.6GB usable memory per node - Total cluster resources: 70 cores, 576GB RAM - Executor cores: 5 cores per executor - Number of executors: (70 cores ÷ 5 cores per executor) = 14 executors - Memory per executor: (576GB ÷ 14) × 0.9 = ~37GB - Set spark.executor.memory=37g YARN Configuration affects resource allocation: yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb: Total memory per node yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb: Max container size yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb: Min container size I/O Optimization: Use instance types with enhanced networking Configure proper block sizes (typically 128MB for Hadoop) Use SSDs for intermediate data Cost Optimization Instance Fleet allows you to specify target capacity and mix instance types to optimize for cost and avail

A quick refresher :
Basics and Architecture
Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce) is a cloud-based big data platform for processing and analyzing vast amounts of data using open-source tools such as Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Hive, Apache HBase, Apache Flink, and Presto.
EMR Architecture consists of:
- Master Node: Manages the cluster and coordinates distribution of data and tasks
- Core Nodes: Run tasks and store data in HDFS
- Task Nodes (Optional): Run tasks but don't store data
EMR Cluster Types:
- Standard clusters: Long-running or transient clusters for general processing
- Instance fleets: Flexible instance provisioning strategy
- Instance groups: Traditional instance provisioning model
EMR Notebooks provide a managed Jupyter notebook environment that can be attached to EMR clusters for interactive data exploration.
EMR Studio offers a web-based IDE for developing, visualizing, and debugging applications written in R, Python, Scala, and PySpark.
Cluster Configuration and Sizing
Instance Types - EMR supports various EC2 instance types:
- General purpose (M5, M6g)
- Compute optimized (C5, C6g)
- Memory optimized (R5, R6g, X1, z1d)
- Storage optimized (D2, I3, I3en)
- Accelerated computing (G4dn, P3)
Cluster Sizing Calculation Example:
For processing 1TB of data with Spark:
- Input data: 1TB
- Replication factor: 3x
- Processing overhead: 1.5x
- Total storage needed: 1TB × 3 × 1.5 = 4.5TB
- If using r5.2xlarge (64GB RAM, 8 vCPU):
- Cores per node: 8 cores × 0.9 (overhead) = ~7 usable cores
- Memory per node: 64GB × 0.9 = ~57.6GB usable memory
- Cluster size: ~10-15 nodes depending on processing requirements
Master Node Sizing:
- Small clusters (<50 nodes): m5.xlarge
- Medium clusters (50-100 nodes): m5.2xlarge
- Large clusters (>100 nodes): m5.4xlarge or larger
Core Node Sizing depends on workload:
- Compute-intensive: C5 instances
- Memory-intensive: R5 instances
- I/O-intensive: I3 instances
Maximum Cluster Size is 1,000 EC2 instances for most regions (soft limit that can be increased via support ticket).
Minimum Cluster Size is 1 instance (master node only), but practical minimum is 2 instances (1 master + 1 core).
Storage Options
HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) is the primary storage system for EMR clusters, distributed across core nodes.
EMRFS (EMR File System) allows EMR clusters to directly access S3 as if it were HDFS.
Local Storage Options:
- Instance store: Temporary block-level storage physically attached to host computer
- EBS volumes: Persistent block storage that can be attached to instances
S3 Storage Considerations:
- Durability: 99.999999999% (11 nines)
- Availability: 99.99%
- No storage management overhead
- Data persists after cluster termination
Storage Calculation Example:
For a 10-node cluster with r5.2xlarge instances: - Each instance has 1 × 300GB EBS volume - HDFS capacity = 10 nodes × 300GB × 0.9 (HDFS overhead) = 2.7TB - Usable HDFS capacity with replication factor of 3 = 2.7TB ÷ 3 = 900GB
EBS Volume Limits:
- Up to 25 EBS volumes per instance
- Maximum 64,000 IOPS per instance (io2 Block Express)
- Maximum 1,000 MiB/s throughput per instance
Performance Optimization
Data Compression techniques (Snappy, Gzip, LZO) can significantly reduce storage requirements and improve processing speed.
File Format Selection impacts performance:
- Parquet: Column-based, best for analytical queries
- ORC: Optimized Row Columnar format, excellent for Hive
- Avro: Row-based, good for record processing
- JSON/CSV: Flexible but less efficient
Partitioning Data by date, region, or category improves query performance by reducing the amount of data scanned.
Bucketing organizes data into a fixed number of buckets based on hash of a column value, improving join performance.
Spark Performance Tuning:
: Memory per executor (e.g., 5g) -
: Cores per executor (e.g., 4) -
: Memory for driver (e.g., 10g) -
: Default number of partitions
Spark Memory Calculation Example:
For a cluster with 10 nodes, each with 8 cores and 64GB RAM: - Reserve 1 core per node for YARN/Hadoop: 7 usable cores per node - Reserve 10% of memory for OS: ~57.6GB usable memory per node - Total cluster resources: 70 cores, 576GB RAM - Executor cores: 5 cores per executor - Number of executors: (70 cores ÷ 5 cores per executor) = 14 executors - Memory per executor: (576GB ÷ 14) × 0.9 = ~37GB - Set spark.executor.memory=37g
YARN Configuration affects resource allocation:
: Total memory per node -
: Max container size -
: Min container size
I/O Optimization:
- Use instance types with enhanced networking
- Configure proper block sizes (typically 128MB for Hadoop)
- Use SSDs for intermediate data
Cost Optimization
Instance Fleet allows you to specify target capacity and mix instance types to optimize for cost and availability.
Spot Instances can reduce costs by up to 90% compared to On-Demand pricing, ideal for task nodes.
EMR Managed Scaling automatically adjusts cluster size based on workload, reducing costs during idle periods.
Cost Calculation Example:
10-node cluster with r5.2xlarge instances in us-east-1: - On-Demand: $0.504/hour per instance - EMR service fee: $0.126/hour per instance (25% premium) - Total hourly cost: 10 × ($0.504 + $0.126) = $6.30/hour - Daily cost: $151.20 - Monthly cost: ~$4,536 With Spot instances (70% discount): - Spot price: $0.1512/hour per instance - EMR service fee: $0.126/hour per instance - Total hourly cost: 10 × ($0.1512 + $0.126) = $2.772/hour - Monthly savings: ~$2,540 (56% reduction)
Reserved Instances provide significant discounts (up to 75%) for predictable, long-running workloads.
S3 Lifecycle Policies can automatically transition data to lower-cost storage tiers like S3 Glacier.
EMR Release Selection - newer releases often include performance improvements that reduce processing time and cost.
Security and Compliance
Security Configuration allows you to specify encryption, authentication, and authorization options for EMR clusters.
Encryption Options:
- At-rest encryption: EMRFS, HDFS, local disk
- In-transit encryption: TLS
- Key management: AWS KMS or custom key providers
Authentication Methods:
- Kerberos
- LDAP integration
- IAM roles
- SSH key pairs
Network Security:
- VPC with private subnets
- Security groups
- Network ACLs
- Block public access option
IAM Roles for EMR:
- EMR service role
- EC2 instance profile for cluster EC2 instances
- Auto Scaling role
- Service-linked role
Compliance Certifications supported by EMR include:
- SOC 1/2/3
- ISO 9001/27001/27017/27018
Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Key CloudWatch Metrics for EMR monitoring:
: Indicates if cluster is idle (1) or active (0) -
: Number of resource containers allocated -
: Number of containers waiting for resources -
: Percentage of HDFS storage used -
: Available memory for YARN applications
Application-Specific CloudWatch Metrics:
- Spark:
- Hadoop:
- HBase:
- Spark:
CloudWatch Metric Dimensions for EMR:
: Unique identifier for the cluster -
: Specific application (Spark, Hadoop, etc.) -
: Master, core, or task group -
: Specific EC2 instance ID
CloudWatch Alarms recommended for EMR:
# Example alarm for HDFS utilization aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm \ --alarm-name HDFSUtilizationHigh \ --metric-name HDFSUtilization \ --namespace AWS/ElasticMapReduce \ --statistic Average \ --period 300 \ --threshold 80 \ --comparison-operator GreaterThanThreshold \ --dimensions Name=JobFlowId,Value=j-XXXXXXXXXXXXX \ --evaluation-periods 3 \ --alarm-actions arn:aws:sns:region:account-id:topic-name
EMR Log Types:
- Step logs
- Hadoop logs
- Application logs (Spark, Hive, etc.)
- Instance state logs
- Bootstrap action logs
Log Locations:
- S3 (if configured)
- Local on master node:
- CloudWatch Logs (if enabled)
Ganglia provides web-based monitoring of cluster performance metrics.
Debugging Options:
- Enable debugging during cluster creation
- SSH into master node for direct investigation
- Use EMR Studio for interactive debugging
High Availability and Disaster Recovery
Master Node Failure is a single point of failure in standard EMR clusters; data processing stops but HDFS data remains intact on core nodes.
EMR with Multiple Master Nodes (introduced in EMR 5.23.0+) provides high availability for YARN ResourceManager, HDFS NameNode, and Spark.
HDFS Replication Factor (default: 3) ensures data durability even if individual nodes fail.
Disaster Recovery Options:
- Store critical data in S3 instead of HDFS
- Use EMR Notebooks with S3 storage for code persistence
- Automate cluster creation with CloudFormation or AWS CDK
- Implement cross-region replication for S3 data
Backup Strategies:
- Regular S3 snapshots of HDFS data
- DistCp for copying data between clusters
- Database backups for Hive Metastore
EMR Releases and Applications
EMR Release Cadence is approximately quarterly, with each release adding support for newer versions of open-source applications.
Long-Term Support (LTS) Releases provide extended support and security patches (e.g., EMR 5.36.0, 6.6.0).
Supported Applications vary by EMR release but typically include:
- Apache Hadoop
- Apache Spark
- Apache Hive
- Apache HBase
- Presto/Trino
- Apache Flink
- Apache Pig
- Apache Zeppelin
- Jupyter Enterprise Gateway
Custom AMIs can be used to pre-install software, apply security patches, or meet compliance requirements.
Bootstrap Actions run custom scripts during cluster startup to install additional software or modify configurations.
Integration with AWS Services
AWS Glue Data Catalog can be used as the metastore for Hive, Spark SQL, and Presto.
Amazon S3 serves as durable, scalable storage for input data, output data, and logs.
AWS Lake Formation provides fine-grained access control for data lakes accessed by EMR.
Amazon RDS can be used as an external Hive metastore for persistent metadata.
Amazon MSK (Managed Streaming for Kafka) integrates with EMR for real-time data processing.
Amazon Redshift Spectrum allows querying data in S3 alongside Redshift data.
AWS Step Functions can orchestrate EMR workflows and coordinate with other AWS services.
Amazon CloudWatch Events can trigger EMR clusters based on schedules or events.
AWS Lambda can be used to automate EMR operations or process EMR results.
EMR Operations and Management
EMR Steps are units of work submitted to the cluster (e.g., Spark job, Hive query).
Step Concurrency Limits:
- Maximum 256 steps per cluster
- Maximum 1,000 steps in PENDING state per AWS account
Auto Scaling adjusts the number of instances based on metrics like YARN memory available.
Managed Scaling automatically resizes clusters based on workload, with scaling taking 5-10 minutes typically.
Instance Groups vs. Instance Fleets:
- Instance Groups: Homogeneous instances with manual scaling
- Instance Fleets: Heterogeneous instances with target capacity
Cluster Cloning creates a new cluster with the same configuration as an existing one.
EMR API Rate Limits:
- ListClusters: 10 TPS (transactions per second)
- DescribeCluster: 10 TPS
- RunJobFlow: 10 TPS
- AddJobFlowSteps: 10 TPS
Cluster Startup Time typically ranges from 5-20 minutes depending on size, configuration, and bootstrap actions.
Advanced Features and Techniques
EMR on EKS allows running Spark jobs on Amazon EKS clusters, separating compute and storage.
EMR Serverless (preview) provides serverless Spark and Hive execution without managing clusters.
EMR WAL (Write Ahead Logging) for HBase improves durability by storing logs in S3.
Delta Lake support enables ACID transactions and time travel capabilities on data lakes.
Apache Iceberg support provides table format with schema evolution and partition evolution.
EMR Runtime for Spark offers performance improvements of up to 30% compared to open-source Spark.
EMR Runtime for Presto delivers up to 2.6x faster query performance than standard Presto.
EMR Runtime for Hive includes LLAP (Low Latency Analytical Processing) for interactive queries.
Spot Instance Termination Handling with YARN decommissioning reduces data loss risk.
Networking and Connectivity
VPC Subnet Requirements:
- Public subnet: Requires Internet Gateway for public access
- Private subnet: Requires NAT Gateway for outbound internet access
Security Group Recommendations:
- Master node: SSH (port 22), web UI ports (8088, 8890, 18080)
- Core/Task nodes: Allow all traffic from master security group
Port Requirements for common services:
- YARN ResourceManager: 8088
- HDFS NameNode: 9870
- Spark History Server: 18080
- Hive Server: 10000
- Ganglia: 80
EMR Service Endpoints support enables private communication between EMR and other AWS services without internet access.
Interface VPC Endpoints (powered by AWS PrivateLink) allow private connectivity to EMR API.
Maximum Network Performance depends on instance type:
- r5.24xlarge: 25 Gbps
- m5.24xlarge: 25 Gbps
- c5n.18xlarge: 100 Gbps
Data Processing Patterns
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) is a common EMR use case for preparing data for analytics.
Batch Processing handles large volumes of data with scheduled jobs.
Stream Processing with Spark Streaming or Flink processes real-time data.
Interactive Analysis using EMR Notebooks or Hive for ad-hoc queries.
Machine Learning workflows using Spark MLlib or custom frameworks.
Data Lake Architecture with EMR for processing and S3 for storage.
Lambda Architecture combines batch and stream processing for comprehensive analytics.
Best Practices
Right-sizing Clusters based on workload requirements saves costs and improves performance.
Separate Clusters for Different Workloads (e.g., ETL vs. interactive) optimizes resource utilization.
Use Transient Clusters for batch processing to minimize costs.
Persistent Metadata in external databases ensures continuity between cluster launches.
Automation with Infrastructure as Code (CloudFormation, Terraform, CDK) ensures consistency.
Regular Upgrades to newer EMR releases for security patches and performance improvements.
Tagging Strategy for cost allocation and resource management.
Implement Proper Error Handling in jobs to handle failures gracefully.
Use Checkpointing for long-running jobs to enable recovery from failures.
Implement Circuit Breakers for external service dependencies.
Limits and Quotas
EC2 Instance Limits affect the maximum size of EMR clusters (default: varies by instance type and region).
Maximum Clusters per account: No hard limit, but API rate limits apply.
Maximum Instances per Cluster: 1,000 (can be increased via support ticket).
Maximum Steps per cluster: 256 active steps.
Maximum Bootstrap Actions per cluster: 16.
Maximum Tags per cluster: 50.
API Throttling Limits vary by API action and region.
S3 Request Rate Limits can affect performance (5,500 GET/HEAD requests per second per prefix).
VPC Limits that may affect EMR:
- 5 VPCs per region (default)
- 200 subnets per VPC
- 5 Elastic IP addresses per account
Security Group Limits:
- 500 security groups per VPC
- 60 inbound/60 outbound rules per security group
Performance Benchmarks
Spark SQL TPC-DS Benchmark:
- EMR 6.x with Spark 3.0: Up to 1.7x faster than EMR 5.x
- EMR Spark vs. Open Source Spark: 30-45% performance improvement
Sort Benchmark:
- 100TB sort on 2,330 node cluster: 23 minutes (historical record)
- Modern clusters can achieve similar results with fewer nodes
Presto Query Performance:
- EMR Runtime for Presto: Up to 2.6x faster than open-source Presto
- Typical improvement for analytical queries: 30-60%
Hive Performance:
- LLAP mode: 2-5x faster than standard Hive for interactive queries
- Vectorized execution: 3-5x improvement for analytical workloads
I/O Performance Factors:
- Instance store vs. EBS: Instance store typically provides higher throughput
- EBS optimized instances: Required for maximum EBS performance
- Enhanced networking: Enables higher PPS (packets per second)
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Cluster Launch Failures often result from:
- Insufficient EC2 capacity
- VPC/subnet configuration issues
- IAM permission problems
- Bootstrap action failures
Resource Constraints manifest as:
- YARN container allocation failures
- Spark executor OOM (Out of Memory) errors
- Slow task execution
Data Skew causes:
- Uneven task distribution
- Executor memory pressure
- Slow overall job completion
S3 Throttling occurs when:
- Too many small files are accessed
- Request rate exceeds S3 limits
- Multiple clusters access the same S3 prefix
Bootstrap Action Timeouts typically happen when:
- Scripts take too long to execute
- External dependencies are unavailable
- Insufficient instance resources
Common Error Codes:
: Configuration parameter issues -
: AWS service issues -
: EC2 capacity issues
Debugging Steps:
- Check CloudWatch Logs
- Examine step logs in S3
- SSH to master node to check application logs
- Review bootstrap action logs
EMR Serverless
EMR Serverless provides a serverless option to run Spark and Hive applications without managing clusters.
Key Benefits of EMR Serverless:
- No cluster management
- Automatic scaling to zero
- Per-second billing
- Isolated application environments
Application Limits:
- Maximum workers per application: 1,000
- Maximum vCPU per application: 16,000
- Maximum memory per application: 64,000 GB
Worker Types:
- Driver: Runs application master
- Executor: Runs tasks
Pre-initialized Capacity keeps workers warm to reduce job startup latency.
Capacity Limits:
- Minimum worker size: 1 vCPU, 4 GB memory
- Maximum worker size: 16 vCPU, 64 GB memory
Billing Model: Pay only for the vCPU, memory, and storage used by your applications, with per-second billing.
EMR on EKS allows running Spark jobs on Amazon EKS clusters.
Virtual Clusters are EMR namespaces registered with EKS clusters.
Job Submission uses StartJobRun API or EMR Studio.
Benefits include:
- Separation of compute and storage
- Multi-tenancy support
- Kubernetes ecosystem integration
- Consistent security model
Performance Optimizations:
- EMR Spark runtime on EKS
- Native S3 integration
- Optimized shuffle service
Monitoring through:
- CloudWatch Container Insights
- Spark History Server
- Kubernetes dashboard
Cost Management
Cost Components of EMR:
- EC2 instance costs
- EMR service charge (typically 25% of EC2 cost)
- EBS volume costs
- Data transfer costs
Cost Optimization Strategies:
- Use Spot Instances for task nodes
- Implement auto-scaling
- Choose appropriate instance types
- Terminate idle clusters
- Compress and partition data
Cost Allocation Tags help track spending across departments or projects.
AWS Cost Explorer provides visibility into EMR spending patterns.
AWS Budgets can set alerts for EMR spending thresholds.
Reserved Instances for master and core nodes in persistent clusters.
Savings Plans can reduce costs for predictable EMR usage.
Data Migration and Transfer
AWS DataSync can efficiently transfer data to S3 for EMR processing.
AWS Transfer Family supports SFTP, FTPS, and FTP transfers to S3.
AWS Snow Family devices help migrate large datasets to AWS for EMR processing.
S3 Transfer Acceleration improves upload speeds for remote data sources.
Direct Connect provides dedicated network connections to AWS for consistent data transfer performance.
DistCp (Distributed Copy) efficiently copies data between HDFS and S3 or between clusters.
S3 Multipart Upload improves reliability for large file transfers.
Governance and Compliance
AWS CloudTrail logs all EMR API calls for audit purposes.
EMR Service-Linked Roles define permissions needed by EMR to interact with other AWS services.
Resource-Level Permissions control access to specific EMR clusters.
Tag-Based Access Control restricts EMR actions based on resource tags.
AWS Config Rules can monitor EMR cluster configurations for compliance.
VPC Flow Logs capture network traffic to and from EMR clusters.
AWS Artifact provides compliance reports relevant to EMR deployments.
Disaster Recovery
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) for EMR clusters depends on:
- Cluster size and complexity
- Bootstrap actions
- Data volume
- Automation maturity
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) strategies:
- S3 for critical data (11 nines durability)
- Cross-region replication for S3 data
- Database backups for metadata
Multi-Region Strategy considerations:
- Data replication between regions
- Configuration management across regions
- Cost implications of redundancy
Backup and Restore Automation using AWS Backup or custom scripts.
Advanced Configurations
Custom AMIs for EMR provide:
- Pre-installed software
- Security patches
- Custom configurations
- Faster cluster startup
EMR Configuration Classifications allow fine-tuning of application settings:
[ { "Classification": "spark-defaults", "Properties": { "spark.executor.memory": "6g", "spark.driver.memory": "2g" } } ]
Dynamic Resource Allocation in Spark automatically adjusts executor count based on workload.
YARN Node Labels assign workloads to specific node types.
Capacity Scheduler configurations for multi-tenant clusters:
yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.queues default,production,development yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.production.capacity 60 Custom Log4j Properties for application logging control.
Application-Specific Tuning Parameters:
- Spark: spark-defaults.conf
- Hive: hive-site.xml
- HBase: hbase-site.xml
- Hadoop: core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, mapred-site.xml
Automation and DevOps
Infrastructure as Code options:
- AWS CloudFormation
- Terraform
- AWS CLI with JSON templates
CI/CD Integration for EMR applications:
- CodePipeline for orchestration
- CodeBuild for building applications
- CodeDeploy for deployment
EMR API Automation examples:
import boto3 emr = boto3.client('emr') response = emr.run_job_flow( Name='MySparkCluster', ReleaseLabel='emr-6.6.0', Instances={ 'InstanceGroups': [ { 'Name': 'Master', 'Market': 'ON_DEMAND', 'InstanceRole': 'MASTER', 'InstanceType': 'm5.xlarge', 'InstanceCount': 1, } ], 'Ec2KeyName': 'my-key-pair', 'KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps': True, 'TerminationProtected': False, }, Applications=[{'Name': 'Spark'}, {'Name': 'Hive'}], JobFlowRole='EMR_EC2_DefaultRole', ServiceRole='EMR_DefaultRole' )
AWS Step Functions for EMR workflow orchestration:
{ "StartAt": "Create EMR Cluster", "States": { "Create EMR Cluster": { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::elasticmapreduce:createCluster.sync", "Parameters": { "Name": "EMR Cluster", "ReleaseLabel": "emr-6.6.0", "Applications": [{ "Name": "Spark" }], "Instances": { "InstanceGroups": [ { "Name": "Master", "InstanceRole": "MASTER", "InstanceType": "m5.xlarge", "InstanceCount": 1 } ], "KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps": false, "TerminationProtected": false }, "VisibleToAllUsers": true, "JobFlowRole": "EMR_EC2_DefaultRole", "ServiceRole": "EMR_DefaultRole" }, "Next": "Add Step" }, "Add Step": { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::elasticmapreduce:addStep.sync", "Parameters": { "ClusterId.$": "$.ClusterId", "Step": { "Name": "Spark Application", "ActionOnFailure": "CONTINUE", "HadoopJarStep": { "Jar": "command-runner.jar", "Args": [ "spark-submit", "--class", "org.example.SparkApp", "s3://mybucket/app.jar" ] } } }, "End": true } } }
AWS EventBridge Rules for event-driven EMR automation.
Blue/Green Deployment strategy for EMR applications:
- Create new cluster with updated code/configuration
- Test new cluster
- Switch traffic/workload to new cluster
- Terminate old cluster
Performance Metrics and Monitoring
Key Performance Indicators for EMR:
- Job completion time
- Data processing throughput
- Resource utilization (CPU, memory, disk, network)
- Cost per TB processed
CloudWatch Dashboard example for EMR monitoring:
# Create dashboard with key metrics aws cloudwatch put-dashboard \ --dashboard-name EMRMonitoring \ --dashboard-body '{ "widgets": [ { "type": "metric", "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 12, "height": 6, "properties": { "metrics": [ ["AWS/ElasticMapReduce", "IsIdle", "JobFlowId", "j-XXXXXXXXXXXXX"], ["AWS/ElasticMapReduce", "HDFSUtilization", "JobFlowId", "j-XXXXXXXXXXXXX"] ], "period": 300, "stat": "Average", "region": "us-east-1", "title": "EMR Cluster Status" } } ] }'
Application-Specific Metrics to monitor:
- Spark: Executor count, task completion rate, shuffle spill
- YARN: Container allocation, memory usage, queue depth
- HDFS: Block count, replication status, capacity usage
Custom CloudWatch Metrics can be published using EMR bootstrap actions or steps.
Operational Health Metrics:
: Number of unhealthy nodes -
: Number of lost nodes -
: Number of active nodes -
: Number of decommissioned nodes
Performance Bottleneck Indicators:
- High
(>80%) - Low
(<20%) - High
count - High S3 request latency
- High
Log Analysis Tools:
- Amazon OpenSearch Service
- Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights
- AWS Glue for ETL of logs
- Amazon Athena for querying logs in S3
Specialized Use Cases
Genomics Processing on EMR:
- Specialized tools: Hail, GATK, Cromwell
- Instance recommendations: r5 or r6g for memory-intensive operations
- Storage considerations: Instance store for temporary files, S3 for results
Financial Analytics workloads:
- Time series analysis with Spark MLlib
- Risk modeling with distributed R or Python
- Real-time market data processing with Flink
IoT Data Processing:
- Stream processing with Spark Streaming or Flink
- Device data storage in HBase or DynamoDB
- Anomaly detection with machine learning models
Media Processing pipelines:
- Video transcoding with custom MapReduce jobs
- Image analysis with deep learning frameworks
- Content metadata extraction and indexing
Scientific Computing:
- Custom C/C++ applications via Hadoop Streaming
- Integration with AWS Batch for hybrid workflows
- Large-scale simulation result analysis
Migration Strategies
On-Premises Hadoop to EMR Migration approaches:
- Lift and shift: Replicate existing architecture
- Re-architect: Optimize for cloud capabilities
- Hybrid: Gradual migration of workloads
Data Migration Considerations:
- Network bandwidth requirements
- Incremental vs. full migration
- Downtime tolerance
- Data validation strategy
Application Migration Patterns:
- Rehost: Run existing applications unchanged
- Refactor: Modify applications to leverage EMR features
- Rearchitect: Redesign for cloud-native architecture
Migration Tools:
- AWS DataSync for file transfers
- AWS Database Migration Service for database migration
- AWS Application Migration Service for server migration
Migration Testing Strategy:
- Performance benchmarking
- Functional validation
- Disaster recovery testing
- Security compliance verification
Future-Proofing and Innovation
EMR Feature Adoption strategy:
- Monitor EMR release notes for new features
- Test new capabilities in development environment
- Plan regular upgrades to benefit from improvements
Emerging Technologies integration:
- Container-based deployments with EMR on EKS
- Serverless processing with EMR Serverless
- Machine learning operations with SageMaker integration
Data Mesh Architecture implementation:
- Domain-oriented data ownership
- Data as a product approach
- Self-serve data infrastructure
- Federated governance
Hybrid Cloud Strategies with EMR:
- AWS Outposts for on-premises EMR
- Data sharing between on-premises and cloud
- Consistent tooling across environments
Sustainability Considerations:
- Right-sizing clusters to reduce carbon footprint
- Scheduling workloads during lower carbon intensity periods
- Optimizing data storage to minimize redundancy
- Using Graviton-based instances for better performance per watt