Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Will Get Several Substantial Updates In 2025
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 will be getting multiple substantial updates through the first half of 2025 and beyond. The year's first big patch will release in February, adding a new map, a new Tyranid enemy, and Absolute difficulty.Focus Entertainment revealed its roadmap for the game via a community update on its official forum. The post opens by addressing community complaints about a lack of updates, it then clarifies that updates can be expected every two months. The post adds, "We’d love to do more, but we’re committed to delivering polished updates, which takes time and care!" Take a look at the official "year one" roadmap below.A Year One Battle Plan for Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2, showing what elements will arrive in future updates.The roadmap indicates that players can expect a few substantial updates in the coming months. Releasing sometime during the Space Marine 2's third season, Patch 7 will add a new PvP mission, custom PvP lobbies, PvE Prestige ranks, and a new weapon. Updates in spring will bring a Horde Mode, a new enemy, a new PvP arena, a new PvP mode, and new weapons. The post also promises that the game will continue to receive support after 2025.Continue Reading at GameSpot

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 will be getting multiple substantial updates through the first half of 2025 and beyond. The year's first big patch will release in February, adding a new map, a new Tyranid enemy, and Absolute difficulty.
Focus Entertainment revealed its roadmap for the game via a community update on its official forum. The post opens by addressing community complaints about a lack of updates, it then clarifies that updates can be expected every two months. The post adds, "We’d love to do more, but we’re committed to delivering polished updates, which takes time and care!" Take a look at the official "year one" roadmap below.
The roadmap indicates that players can expect a few substantial updates in the coming months. Releasing sometime during the Space Marine 2's third season, Patch 7 will add a new PvP mission, custom PvP lobbies, PvE Prestige ranks, and a new weapon. Updates in spring will bring a Horde Mode, a new enemy, a new PvP arena, a new PvP mode, and new weapons. The post also promises that the game will continue to receive support after 2025.Continue Reading at GameSpot