Your Fable Nemesis Might Just Be This Giant Chicken
Turn10's upcoming Fable game has plenty of enemies for you to swing your sword at, from werewolves to a really big version of roving travel show host Richard Ayoade, but it looks like your greatest challenge might just be an incredibly angry chicken.A giant chicken that is, as a recent Xbox Game Studios update video briefly showed the Fable protagonist taking on the John Wick of chickens. It's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, but this rooster looks ready to throw down. Good luck trying to kick this feathery fiend. Chickens have a long history in Fable, as way back in the original game, you could win a special hat in a chicken-kicking competition. In Fable 2, you could earn two chicken-related titles for kicking the birds a respectable distance, and Fable 3 had a chicken-themed suit that you could unlock and even a chance to earn some coin by gambling on chicken races.Continue Reading at GameSpot

Turn10's upcoming Fable game has plenty of enemies for you to swing your sword at, from werewolves to a really big version of roving travel show host Richard Ayoade, but it looks like your greatest challenge might just be an incredibly angry chicken.
A giant chicken that is, as a recent Xbox Game Studios update video briefly showed the Fable protagonist taking on the John Wick of chickens. It's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, but this rooster looks ready to throw down. Good luck trying to kick this feathery fiend.
Chickens have a long history in Fable, as way back in the original game, you could win a special hat in a chicken-kicking competition. In Fable 2, you could earn two chicken-related titles for kicking the birds a respectable distance, and Fable 3 had a chicken-themed suit that you could unlock and even a chance to earn some coin by gambling on chicken races.Continue Reading at GameSpot