Get Atari's Mini 8-Bit Home Computer For Its Best Price Yet

Nostalgic Atari fans can add the Atari 400 Mini to their collection for only $97.19 for a limited time. This is the lowest price yet for the recreation of the 1979 8-bit home computer that emulates all games from Atari 400 through the Atari 800XL as well as the Atari 5200. Atari 400 Mini $97.19 (was $120) The Atari 400 Mini is more than just a modern revival of old Atari consoles. Along with access to a bunch of built-in games, you can plug in a USB drive to access 8-bit Atari ROMs you own and expand its library. You'll also get four save state slots per game, making it easier than ever to explore these retro titles. The 400 Mini also has the ability to rewind gameplay, offers an optional CRT filter, and supports 720p output. Along with the console, you'll get the CXStick, a modernized version of the iconic Atari CX40 joystick. See at Amazon Here's a look at all the preinstalled games on the Atari 400 Mini:The Atari 400 Mini Game ListAirballAsteroidsBasketballBattlezoneBerzerkBoulder DashBristlesCapture the FlagCentipedeCrystal CastlesElektra GlideEncounter!Flip and FlopHenry’s HouseHover BovverLee (Bruce Lee)MULEMillipedeMiner 2049erMissile CommandO’Riley’s MineStar Raiders IIThe Seven Cities of GoldWavy NavyYoompMore Retro Atari Hardware Continue Reading at GameSpot

Feb 5, 2025 - 17:41
Get Atari's Mini 8-Bit Home Computer For Its Best Price Yet

Nostalgic Atari fans can add the Atari 400 Mini to their collection for only $97.19 for a limited time. This is the lowest price yet for the recreation of the 1979 8-bit home computer that emulates all games from Atari 400 through the Atari 800XL as well as the Atari 5200.

Here's a look at all the preinstalled games on the Atari 400 Mini:

The Atari 400 Mini Game List

  • Airball
  • Asteroids
  • Basketball
  • Battlezone
  • Berzerk
  • Boulder Dash
  • Bristles
  • Capture the Flag
  • Centipede
  • Crystal Castles
  • Elektra Glide
  • Encounter!
  • Flip and Flop
  • Henry’s House
  • Hover Bovver
  • Lee (Bruce Lee)
  • MULE
  • Millipede
  • Miner 2049er
  • Missile Command
  • O’Riley’s Mine
  • Star Raiders II
  • The Seven Cities of Gold
  • Wavy Navy
  • Yoomp

More Retro Atari Hardware

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