How to install MAME on your Apple Silicon Mac
MAME is the Multi Arcade Machine Emulator for playing classic games. Here's how to get it up and running on your Apple Silicon Mac.MAME is the multi-arcade emulator for your Mac.MAME is a well-known project that allows you to run classic hardware systems and games on modern computers. MAME supports Macs, Windows, Linux, and some Android devices. There are also third-party emulators which use MAME on iOS.MAME dates back over twenty-five years and was originally created by Italian developer Nicola Salmoria. The project's development has changed hands over the decades, and there was an initial older version for Mac OS 9 called MacMAME. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums

MAME is the multi-arcade emulator for your Mac.
MAME is a well-known project that allows you to run classic hardware systems and games on modern computers. MAME supports Macs, Windows, Linux, and some Android devices. There are also third-party emulators which use MAME on iOS.
MAME dates back over twenty-five years and was originally created by Italian developer Nicola Salmoria. The project's development has changed hands over the decades, and there was an initial older version for Mac OS 9 called MacMAME.
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