Projects in Java Script
Calculator: Basically I think that calculator using using js is the big task and it involves so many functions.But we use only one function for it that is called eval().This function is in-bulit in js that will do all the operations required foe simple calculator. Toast notification: It is like small notification that will appear on the screen when we touch the button for this we will the class with the Html.The showToast function can also be used but i canont finish the project. Slice() Method: this method is used to extract the section of array or string and return it as new array or string,without modifying the original string or array.

Basically I think that calculator using using js is the big task and it involves so many functions.But we use only one function for it that is called eval().This function is in-bulit in js that will do all the operations required foe simple calculator.
Toast notification:
It is like small notification that will appear on the screen when we touch the button for this we will the class with the Html.The showToast function can also be used but i canont finish the project.
Slice() Method:
this method is used to extract the section of array or string and return it as new array or string,without modifying the original string or array.