Riot Games Rolls Back Some Unpopular League Of Legends Decisions
Riot Games' League of Legends has been around since 2009, and it has attracted a large group of fans from around the world since its release. And when those fans aren't happy, they aren't afraid to be vocal about it. Some of Riot's most recent moves--including the removal of Hextech chests--angered players so much that the company is now walking back that decision as well as a few other unpopular changes. In the video above--and in the accompanying post on Riot's site--Senior Vice President Andrei Van Roon and League of Legends executive producer Paul Bellezza explained why the company is reversing its recent decisions. Bellezza noted that their choices had eroded some of the trust that fans had for Riot, and they want to fix that.The first step in rebuilding that trust is coming in next week's patch, which will restore Hextech chests to the game. Eight chests will be available through the free seasonal pass, while players can earn two additional chests through the game's Honor system. The dev post notes that the Honor system is still being worked out, but it's meant to reward players who are good teammates and respectful opponents.Continue Reading at GameSpot

Riot Games' League of Legends has been around since 2009, and it has attracted a large group of fans from around the world since its release. And when those fans aren't happy, they aren't afraid to be vocal about it. Some of Riot's most recent moves--including the removal of Hextech chests--angered players so much that the company is now walking back that decision as well as a few other unpopular changes.
In the video above--and in the accompanying post on Riot's site--Senior Vice President Andrei Van Roon and League of Legends executive producer Paul Bellezza explained why the company is reversing its recent decisions. Bellezza noted that their choices had eroded some of the trust that fans had for Riot, and they want to fix that.
The first step in rebuilding that trust is coming in next week's patch, which will restore Hextech chests to the game. Eight chests will be available through the free seasonal pass, while players can earn two additional chests through the game's Honor system. The dev post notes that the Honor system is still being worked out, but it's meant to reward players who are good teammates and respectful opponents.Continue Reading at GameSpot