Soft Computing. Volume 29, Issue 3, February 2025

1) Some new construction methods of similarity measure on picture fuzzy setsAuthor(s): Minxia Luo, Jianlei Gao, Wenling LiPages: 1273 - 12872) Arithmetic optimization algorithm with cosine transform-based two-dimensional composite chaotic mappingAuthor(s): Yi-Xuan Li, Jie-Sheng Wang, Xin-Ru MaPages: 1289 - 13293) A new approach data processing: density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) clustering using game-theoryAuthor(s): Uranus Kazemi, Seyfollah SoleimaniPages: 1331 - 13464) Predictor–corrector approach for the numerical solution of fuzzy fractional differential equations and linear multiterm fuzzy fractional equationsAuthor(s): Wadhah Al-Sadi, Zhouchao Wei, Tariq Q. S. AbdullahPages: 1347 - 13685) Variable selection of multiple types of data: a PLS approachAuthor(s): Boao Kong, Huiwen Wang, Shan LuPages: 1369 - 13876) Using past sample means in exponential ratio and regression type estimators under a simple random samplingAuthor(s): Eda Gizem KoçyiğitPages: 1389 - 14067) Chatgpt and operations research: evaluation on the shortest path problemAuthor(s): Martina Luzzi, Francesca Guerriero, Marco GarofaloPages: 1407 - 14188) Leveraging variant of CAE with sparse convolutional embedding and two-stage application-driven data augmentation for image clusteringAuthor(s): Yanming Liu, Jinglei LiuPages: 1419 - 14359) Efficient COVID-19 detection using data mining algorithms: a comparison of basic and hybrid approachesAuthor(s): Mohammad Saidi, Mohammad Gheibi, Kourosh BehzadianPages: 1437 - 145110) Low-rank decomposition optimization and its application in fabric defectsAuthor(s): Zhixiang Chen, Wenya Shi, Hao LiuPages: 1453 - 147211) Revolutionizing signature scheme: the enhanced Edward Elgamal extreme performance accumulate signature approach for IoT and blockchain applicationsAuthor(s): R. Anusha, R. SaravananPages: 1473 - 149612) A secure quantum homomorphic encryption ciphertext retrieval schemeAuthor(s): Zhen-Wen Cheng, Xiu-Bo Chen, Ya-Lan WangPages: 1497 - 150913) Decomposition matheuristics for last mile delivery using public transportation systemsAuthor(s): Minakshi Punam Mandal, Claudia ArchettiPages: 1511 - 153914) Efficient reconfigurable architecture to extract image features for face recognition using local binary patternAuthor(s): Sumangala Bhavikatti, Satish BhairannawarPages: 1541 - 155215) A hybrid genetic search based approach for the generalized vehicle routing problemAuthor(s): Vittorio LatorrePages: 1553 - 156616) A community-based simulated annealing approach with a new structure-based neighborhood search to identify influential nodes in social networksAuthor(s): Farzaneh Rajaee Abyaneh, Nasrollah Moghadam Charkari, Mehdy RoayaeiPages: 1567 - 158517) Using deep forest regression and multi-layer state transition algorithm to soft measuring modeling with small sample dataAuthor(s): Heng Xia, Jian Tang, Wen YuPages: 1587 - 160318) Context-aware coverage path planning for a swarm of UAVs using mobile ground stations for battery-swappingAuthor(s): Lorenzo Porcelli, Massimo Ficco, Francesco PalmieriPages: 1605 - 162519) On goal programming approach for interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy multi-objective transportation problems with an application to tourism industryAuthor(s): Abhishek Chauhan, Sumati MahajanPages: 1627 - 165720) Paw decompositions of diamond and some edge cycle graphsAuthor(s): Murugan Esakkimuthu, Sivaprakash Gunniya RameshbabuPages: 1659 - 166521) A micro-level approach for modeling rumor propagation in online social networksAuthor(s): Ebrahim Sahafizadeh, Saeed Talatian AzadPages: 1667 - 167522) k-InfNode: ranking top-k influential nodes in complex networks with random walkAuthor(s): Ahmadi Hasan, Ahmad Kamal, Pawan KumarPages: 1677 - 169023) Lacunary statistical soft convergence in soft topologyAuthor(s): Erdal Bayram, Melisa DervişoğluPages: 1691 - 170124) Enhanced TOPSIS-CoCoSo framework for multi-attribute decision-making with triangular fuzzy neutrosophic sets: “effect evaluation of intelligent technology empowering physical education teaching” caseAuthor(s): Jie Xiao, Yu ZhangPages: 1703 - 171725) A deep learning approach to analyse stress by using voice and body postureAuthor(s): Sumita GuptaSapna GambhirHoang PhamPages: 1719 - 174526) A feature extraction method for rotating machinery fault diagnosis based on a multiscale entropy fusion strategy and GA-RL-LDA modelAuthor(s): Na Lu, Zhongliang Li, Peng WangPages: 1747 - 176527) An efficient collocation algorithm for third order non-linear Emden–Fowler equationAuthor(s): Mohammad Prawesh Alam, Arshad KhanPages: 1767 - 178828) Forest fire rescue framework to jointly optimize firefighting force configuration and facility layout: a case study of digital-twin simulation optimizationAuthor(s): HongGuang Zhang Sheng, Wen Ma, YuXuan TaoPages: 1789 - 181029) A game-theoretic exploration with surplus profit-sharing in a three-channel supply chain, featuring e-commerce dynamicsAuthor(s): Maryam Vatanara

Mar 3, 2025 - 01:38
Author(s): Minxia Luo, Jianlei Gao, Wenling Li
Pages: 1273 - 1287

Author(s): Yi-Xuan Li, Jie-Sheng Wang, Xin-Ru Ma
Pages: 1289 - 1329

Author(s): Uranus Kazemi, Seyfollah Soleimani
Pages: 1331 - 1346

Author(s): Wadhah Al-Sadi, Zhouchao Wei, Tariq Q. S. Abdullah
Pages: 1347 - 1368

Author(s): Boao Kong, Huiwen Wang, Shan Lu
Pages: 1369 - 1387

Author(s): Eda Gizem Koçyiğit
Pages: 1389 - 1406

Author(s): Martina Luzzi, Francesca Guerriero, Marco Garofalo
Pages: 1407 - 1418

Author(s): Yanming Liu, Jinglei Liu
Pages: 1419 - 1435

Author(s): Mohammad Saidi, Mohammad Gheibi, Kourosh Behzadian
Pages: 1437 - 1451

Author(s): Zhixiang Chen, Wenya Shi, Hao Liu
Pages: 1453 - 1472

Author(s): R. Anusha, R. Saravanan
Pages: 1473 - 1496

Author(s): Zhen-Wen Cheng, Xiu-Bo Chen, Ya-Lan Wang
Pages: 1497 - 1509

Author(s): Minakshi Punam Mandal, Claudia Archetti
Pages: 1511 - 1539

Author(s): Sumangala Bhavikatti, Satish Bhairannawar
Pages: 1541 - 1552

Author(s): Vittorio Latorre
Pages: 1553 - 1566

Author(s): Farzaneh Rajaee Abyaneh, Nasrollah Moghadam Charkari, Mehdy Roayaei
Pages: 1567 - 1585

Author(s): Heng Xia, Jian Tang, Wen Yu
Pages: 1587 - 1603

Author(s): Lorenzo Porcelli, Massimo Ficco, Francesco Palmieri
Pages: 1605 - 1625

Author(s): Abhishek Chauhan, Sumati Mahajan
Pages: 1627 - 1657

Author(s): Murugan Esakkimuthu, Sivaprakash Gunniya Rameshbabu
Pages: 1659 - 1665

Author(s): Ebrahim Sahafizadeh, Saeed Talatian Azad
Pages: 1667 - 1675

Author(s): Ahmadi Hasan, Ahmad Kamal, Pawan Kumar
Pages: 1677 - 1690

Author(s): Erdal Bayram, Melisa Dervişoğlu
Pages: 1691 - 1701

Author(s): Jie Xiao, Yu Zhang
Pages: 1703 - 1717

Author(s): Sumita GuptaSapna GambhirHoang Pham
Pages: 1719 - 1745

Author(s): Na Lu, Zhongliang Li, Peng Wang
Pages: 1747 - 1765

Author(s): Mohammad Prawesh Alam, Arshad Khan
Pages: 1767 - 1788

Author(s): HongGuang Zhang Sheng, Wen Ma, YuXuan Tao
Pages: 1789 - 1810

Author(s): Maryam Vatanara, Masoud Rabbani, Jafar Heydari
Pages: 1811 - 1827

Author(s): Avinash Trivedi, S. Sangeetha
Pages: 1829 - 1844

Author(s): Hossam Magdy Balaha, Asmaa El-Sayed Hassan, Magdy Hassan Balaha
Pages: 1845 - 1877

Author(s): Sheikh Burhan Ul Haque, Aasim Zafar, Khushnaseeb Roshan
Pages: 1879 - 1896

Author(s): Yaoyao Yan, Fang‘ai Liu, Xuqiang Zhuang
Pages: 1897 - 1909

Author(s): Mohamed Hosny, Fahmy S. Abdelhaleem, Amir Ibrahim
Pages: 1911 - 1929

Author(s): Yee-Ming Ooi, Che-Cheng Chang
Pages: 1931 - 1946