Streaming data from RDBMS with jooq
Introduction Sometimes, it's necessary to process a large number of rows fetched from the database. When the row count reaches millions, things can get complicated, especially regarding memory usage. While implementing paging and processing rows page by page is a common approach, there are alternative solutions. Relational databases provide components such as cursors, which can be used to process large datasets while fetching only a limited number of rows at a time. With the help of jooq framework,we can take it a step further—leveraging cursors under the hood while seamlessly integrating with Java's Stream API. Let’s see it in action! Project setup For the sake of a clean demonstration, I’ll keep things as simple as possible. The database will be set up using SQL scripts to avoid introducing any migration tools. It will contain 5 million rows, each with a few columns mimicking real-life data. I won’t use jOOQ’s type-safe query generation features (though they’re excellent—I highly recommend trying jOOQ) to keep the focus on one specific aspect. I’m using Spring Boot, but its usage is kept to a minimum. I couldn’t resist lombok, thou :) Database Database for this demo is initialized using a simple SQL script: create table sample_data ( id serial primary key, start_date date not null, type_id integer not null, description text not null, category_id integer not null, subcategory_id integer not null, created_at timestamp not null default current_timestamp ); insert into sample_data select id, date '2024-01-01' + (random() * 365)::int, round((random() * 15)::numeric, 2), md5(random()::text), round((random() * 30)::numeric, 2), round((random() * 200)::numeric, 2) from generate_series(1, 5000000) as id; A row from this database table is mapped to a Java record with the following structure: @Builder public record SampleDataEntity(int id, String description, LocalDate startDate, LocalDateTime createdAt, int typeId, int categoryId, int subcategoryId) { } Standard way Let’s start by evaluating the memory footprint in a scenario where all the data is loaded into memory. The repository implementation is straightforward: @Repository @FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE) @RequiredArgsConstructor public class SomeRepository { DSLContext dslContext; Collection fetchAll() { return dslContext.fetch("select * from sample_data") .stream() .map(SomeRepository::mapRow) .toList(); } private static SampleDataEntity mapRow(org.jooq.Record row) { return SampleDataEntity.builder() .id(row.get("id", int.class)) .description(row.get("description", String.class)) .createdAt(row.get("created_at", LocalDateTime.class)) .startDate(row.get("start_date", LocalDate.class)) .typeId(row.get("type_id", int.class)) .categoryId(row.get("category_id", int.class)) .subcategoryId(row.get("subcategory_id", int.class)) .build(); } } For the purposes of this demo, let’s simply count the number of retrieved rows. The Thread.sleep() is included to give me time to open VisualVM and check the metrics: @Component @FieldDefaults(level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE, makeFinal = true) @RequiredArgsConstructor @Slf4j public class SimpleRunner implements CommandLineRunner { SomeRepository someRepository; @Override public void run(String... args) throws Exception {"Runner started with args={}", args); Thread.sleep(Duration.ofSeconds(10)); var count = someRepository.fetchAll() .size();"Fetched {} rows", count); } } What are the results? The program runs smoothly but consumes around 5 GB of memory: Cursor way Let’s modify our repository slightly to use a variant of the jOOQ API that returns a stream: @Repository @FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE) @RequiredArgsConstructor public class SomeRepository { DSLContext dslContext; @SneakyThrows Stream streamAll() { return dslContext.fetchStream("select * from sample_data") .map(SomeRepository::mapRow); } private static SampleDataEntity mapRow(org.jooq.Record row) { return SampleDataEntity.builder() .id(row.get("id", int.class)) .description(row.get("description", String.class)) .createdAt(row.get("created_at", LocalDateTime.class)) .startDate(row.get("start_date", LocalDate.class)) .typeId(row.get("type_id", int.class)) .categoryId(row.get("category_id", int.class)) .subcatego

Sometimes, it's necessary to process a large number of rows fetched from the database. When the row count reaches millions, things can get complicated, especially regarding memory usage. While implementing paging and processing rows page by page is a common approach, there are alternative solutions.
Relational databases provide components such as cursors, which can be used to process large datasets while fetching only a limited number of rows at a time. With the help of jooq framework,we can take it a step further—leveraging cursors under the hood while seamlessly integrating with Java's Stream API. Let’s see it in action!
Project setup
For the sake of a clean demonstration, I’ll keep things as simple as possible. The database will be set up using SQL scripts to avoid introducing any migration tools. It will contain 5 million rows, each with a few columns mimicking real-life data. I won’t use jOOQ’s type-safe query generation features (though they’re excellent—I highly recommend trying jOOQ) to keep the focus on one specific aspect. I’m using Spring Boot, but its usage is kept to a minimum. I couldn’t resist lombok, thou :)
Database for this demo is initialized using a simple SQL script:
create table sample_data
id serial primary key,
start_date date not null,
type_id integer not null,
description text not null,
category_id integer not null,
subcategory_id integer not null,
created_at timestamp not null default current_timestamp
insert into sample_data
select id,
date '2024-01-01' + (random() * 365)::int,
round((random() * 15)::numeric, 2),
round((random() * 30)::numeric, 2),
round((random() * 200)::numeric, 2)
from generate_series(1, 5000000) as id;
A row from this database table is mapped to a Java record with the following structure:
public record SampleDataEntity(int id, String description, LocalDate startDate, LocalDateTime createdAt, int typeId,
int categoryId, int subcategoryId) {
Standard way
Let’s start by evaluating the memory footprint in a scenario where all the data is loaded into memory. The repository implementation is straightforward:
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class SomeRepository {
DSLContext dslContext;
Collection<SampleDataEntity> fetchAll() {
return dslContext.fetch("select * from sample_data")
private static SampleDataEntity mapRow(org.jooq.Record row) {
return SampleDataEntity.builder()
.id(row.get("id", int.class))
.description(row.get("description", String.class))
.createdAt(row.get("created_at", LocalDateTime.class))
.startDate(row.get("start_date", LocalDate.class))
.typeId(row.get("type_id", int.class))
.categoryId(row.get("category_id", int.class))
.subcategoryId(row.get("subcategory_id", int.class))
For the purposes of this demo, let’s simply count the number of retrieved rows. The Thread.sleep()
is included to give me time to open VisualVM and check the metrics:
@FieldDefaults(level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE, makeFinal = true)
public class SimpleRunner implements CommandLineRunner {
SomeRepository someRepository;
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {"Runner started with args={}", args);
var count = someRepository.fetchAll()
.size();"Fetched {} rows", count);
What are the results? The program runs smoothly but consumes around 5 GB of memory:
Cursor way
Let’s modify our repository slightly to use a variant of the jOOQ API that returns a stream:
@FieldDefaults(makeFinal = true, level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class SomeRepository {
DSLContext dslContext;
Stream<SampleDataEntity> streamAll() {
return dslContext.fetchStream("select * from sample_data")
private static SampleDataEntity mapRow(org.jooq.Record row) {
return SampleDataEntity.builder()
.id(row.get("id", int.class))
.description(row.get("description", String.class))
.createdAt(row.get("created_at", LocalDateTime.class))
.startDate(row.get("start_date", LocalDate.class))
.typeId(row.get("type_id", int.class))
.categoryId(row.get("category_id", int.class))
.subcategoryId(row.get("subcategory_id", int.class))
I’ll skip pasting the runner implementation since the only difference is in how the number of items is counted. So, how does the memory graph look this time? A significant improvement is immediately noticeable:
The numbers look impressive, but there’s some bad news—the entire result set is still loaded into memory. The improvement comes from streaming over the mapped results, making them garbage-collection eligible earlier. How do we know this? It will become clear once we try a different API that allows us to control the number of fetched rows:
Stream<SampleDataEntity> streamAll() {
var cursor = dslContext.fetchLazy("select * from sample_data");
Running the program will produce the following log entry:
org.jooq.impl.AbstractResultQuery : Fetch Size : A fetch size of 100 was set on a auto-commit PostgreSQL connection, which is not recommended. See
The documentation page linked above outlines several scenarios where the JDBC driver ignores fetchSize
and loads the entire result set into memory. In this case, here’s what happens:
The Connection must not be in autocommit mode. The backend closes cursors at the end of transactions, so in autocommit mode the backend will have closed the cursor before anything can be fetched from it.
Cursor - the proper way
Now that we know what’s wrong, let’s fix it! First, we need to disable auto-commit. This can be done by setting a property on the datasource:
Even though we’re only reading data and not writing, a transaction is now required. For the sake of this demo, let’s use a well-known annotation to handle it. Our modified runner code now looks like this:
@FieldDefaults(level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE, makeFinal = true)
public class StreamingRunner implements CommandLineRunner {
SomeRepository repository;
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {"Streaming started with args={}", args);
var count = repository.streamAll()
.count();"Found {} rows", count);
What’s the result? I’d say the application now consumes a reasonable amount of memory relative to its complexity:
We’ve just learned another solution for situations where our application needs to process large amounts of data. I see this approach as more useful for batch processes that handle and aggregate vast datasets—for example, for reporting—rather than for serving data directly to the UI. With the significant reduction in memory consumption, it may even be possible to use the saved resources to spin up more instances, improving overall process throughput.
Final source code can be found on GitHub