Cthulhu The Cosmic Abyss is a new investigative horror game channeling Outlast
I vividly remember the first time my cousin and I played Outlast. "It'll terrify you," she said. "It's like that FEAR game we played, but worse." As we climbed into Mount Massive Asylum, sneaking our way through its corridors, there's that iconic moment where a body drops from the ceiling. We quickly switched the game off and watched Felix 'PewDiePie' Kjellberg play the rest of it. Yet, investigative horror games are a genre I can't help but go back to - despite the inevitable screams and panic, there's so many thrills lurking in the dark. Channeling Red Barrels' finest, Cthulhu: The Cosmic Abyss puts a Lovecraftian spin on the traditional fare, and it's got me hook, line, and sinker. Continue reading Cthulhu The Cosmic Abyss is a new investigative horror game channeling Outlast

I vividly remember the first time my cousin and I played Outlast. "It'll terrify you," she said. "It's like that FEAR game we played, but worse." As we climbed into Mount Massive Asylum, sneaking our way through its corridors, there's that iconic moment where a body drops from the ceiling. We quickly switched the game off and watched Felix 'PewDiePie' Kjellberg play the rest of it. Yet, investigative horror games are a genre I can't help but go back to - despite the inevitable screams and panic, there's so many thrills lurking in the dark. Channeling Red Barrels' finest, Cthulhu: The Cosmic Abyss puts a Lovecraftian spin on the traditional fare, and it's got me hook, line, and sinker.