Ender Magnolia's latest update invites you to fight its toughest baddies again with a new boss rush mode
It's not even been two months since the release of Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist, and co-developers Adglobe and Live Wire are already back with a pretty solid update. The major addition is a New Game+ mode, which allows you to start the "evil-purging adventure anew, this time armed with gear and relics from previous playthroughs”, and face “harrowing hordes of smarter, stronger enemies with new attack patterns." Read more

It's not even been two months since the release of Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist, and co-developers Adglobe and Live Wire are already back with a pretty solid update. The major addition is a New Game+ mode, which allows you to start the "evil-purging adventure anew, this time armed with gear and relics from previous playthroughs”, and face “harrowing hordes of smarter, stronger enemies with new attack patterns."