Full Pokémon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light Expansion Deck List

Pokémon TCG Pocket has just launched its sixth expansion pack Triumphant Light, featuring 75 new base cards, and 21 special illustration cards to collect. There are five new ex cards, a number of new full art cards, and a new battling mechanic. The set is based on Pokémon Legends: Arceus including Arceus and Arceus Ex, and decks made from this expansion will want to play at least one Arceus card. Triumphant Light introduces Link Abilities. Magnezone, Crobat, Tyranitar, Rotom, Raichu, Abomasnow, Heatran, and Carnivine all have abilities that make them stronger when Arceus is in play. Irida is another interesting card in the deck as she can heal 40HP on any Pokémon with a Water Energy attached. This doesn’t have to be a Water-type and could work in multiple decks. Image by The Pokémon Company Here is the full deck list for Pokémon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light expansion. Heracross Burmy / Mothim Combee / Vespiquen Cherubi / Cherrim x2 Carnivine Leafeon Ex (rainbow rare) Houndour / Houndoom (full art) Heatran Marill (full art) / Azumarill Barboach / Whiscash Snorunt / Froslass Snover / Abomasnow Glaceon Ex (rainbow rare) Origin Forme Palkia Phione Pikachu / Raichu Electrike / Manectric Clefairy / Clefable Gastly / Haunter / Gengar Uknown (full art) Rotom Sudowoodo (full art) Phanpy / Donphan Lavitar / Pupitar / Tyranitar Nosepass / Probopass Ex (rainbow rare) Meditite / Medicham Gible / Gabite / Garchomp Ex (rainbow rare) Zubat / Golbat / Crobat Croagunk / Toxicroak Magnemite (full art) / Magneton / Magnezone Mawile Bronzor / Bronzong Origin Forme Dialga Giratina Eevee Snorlax Hoothoot / Noctowl Starly / Staravia / Staraptor Shaymin (full art) Arceus / Arceus Ex (immersive) Irida Celestic Town Elder Barry Adaman Pokémon TCG Pocket is available for free on iOS and Android. The post Full Pokémon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light Expansion Deck List appeared first on Siliconera.

Mar 1, 2025 - 01:57
Full Pokémon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light Expansion Deck List

Pokémon TCG Pocket has just launched its sixth expansion pack Triumphant Light, featuring 75 new base cards, and 21 special illustration cards to collect. There are five new ex cards, a number of new full art cards, and a new battling mechanic. The set is based on Pokémon Legends: Arceus including Arceus and Arceus Ex, and decks made from this expansion will want to play at least one Arceus card.

Triumphant Light introduces Link Abilities. Magnezone, Crobat, Tyranitar, Rotom, Raichu, Abomasnow, Heatran, and Carnivine all have abilities that make them stronger when Arceus is in play. Irida is another interesting card in the deck as she can heal 40HP on any Pokémon with a Water Energy attached. This doesn’t have to be a Water-type and could work in multiple decks.

Arceus ex and link cards from Pokémon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light deck list
Image by The Pokémon Company

Here is the full deck list for Pokémon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light expansion.

  • Heracross
  • Burmy / Mothim
  • Combee / Vespiquen
  • Cherubi / Cherrim x2
  • Carnivine
  • Leafeon Ex (rainbow rare)
  • Houndour / Houndoom (full art)
  • Heatran
  • Marill (full art) / Azumarill
  • Barboach / Whiscash
  • Snorunt / Froslass
  • Snover / Abomasnow
  • Glaceon Ex (rainbow rare)
  • Origin Forme Palkia
  • Phione
  • Pikachu / Raichu
  • Electrike / Manectric
  • Clefairy / Clefable
  • Gastly / Haunter / Gengar
  • Uknown (full art)
  • Rotom
  • Sudowoodo (full art)
  • Phanpy / Donphan
  • Lavitar / Pupitar / Tyranitar
  • Nosepass / Probopass Ex (rainbow rare)
  • Meditite / Medicham
  • Gible / Gabite / Garchomp Ex (rainbow rare)
  • Zubat / Golbat / Crobat
  • Croagunk / Toxicroak
  • Magnemite (full art) / Magneton / Magnezone
  • Mawile
  • Bronzor / Bronzong
  • Origin Forme Dialga
  • Giratina
  • Eevee
  • Snorlax
  • Hoothoot / Noctowl
  • Starly / Staravia / Staraptor
  • Shaymin (full art)
  • Arceus / Arceus Ex (immersive)
  • Irida
  • Celestic Town Elder
  • Barry
  • Adaman

Pokémon TCG Pocket is available for free on iOS and Android.

The post Full Pokémon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light Expansion Deck List appeared first on Siliconera.