HAProxy Ingress Controller Kubernetes: Installation, Configuration, Best Practices

This article is a step by step guide for installing and configuring HAProxy Ingress controller. In Kubernetes, an Ingress controller is used for routing any external traffic to the cluster's internal services. The Ingress controller translates the incoming requests from outside the cluster to the correct pods based on hostnames, paths and any other routing rules HAProxy is know for its high performance, low resource usage and its extensive configuration options. It provides robust load balancing, reliability and easy scalability. This makes HAProxy a solid choice for production environments. Introduction Installing HAProxy Ingress Controller in Kubernetes Pre-Installation Checklist Installation Steps Option A: Using Helm Option B: Using YAML Manifests Validating Installation Configuring HAProxy Ingress Controller Basic HAProxy Ingress Controller SSL/TLS Configuration Load Balancing Algorithms Advanced Routing Features Path Based Routing Host Based Routing TCP VS HTTP Routing Annotations and Custom Config Fine tuning timeouts, buffer sizes and connection limits - Using a ConfigMap for Global Settings Introduction The HAProxy Ingress controller has features such as Advanced traffic routing ( host based, path based) SSL termination Rate limiting options Dynamic reconfiguration Automatically updates the routes and backends when there are changes in the cluster Because of these features, it has faster response time, efficient load balancing and reliable connection management. Its advanced traffic management capabilities lets you maintain high availability even during peak hours and unexpected surges. Installing HAProxy Ingress Controller in Kubernetes In this section we are going to learn about How to get up and running with HAProxy Ingress Controller in your Kubernetes cluster. We will go through a quick pre-installation checklist, dive into 2 main methods of deployment that are Helm and YAML manifests and lastly verify that our setup is complete with a simple test. Pre-Installation Checklist Important Points We need a running Kubernetes cluster, we are using K0s but you can use any Kubernetes cluster You need kubectl to communicate with your cluster Basic understanding of Pods, Services and Ingresses Kubernetes Version Compatibility a. Before you install the HAProxy make sure that your Kubernetes cluster is on a supported version. Kubernetes version 1.20 are generally supported but you can also check out the HAProxy documentation to make sure. b. Newer Kubernetes functions such as, custom resource definitions and advanced networking policies, will require more up-to-date versions Access and Permissions a. You will need Kubectl or a similar CLI tool installed and configured on your system in order to communicate with your cluster kubectl get pods should work b. If you are using Helm to deploy then you require the Helm version 3.x and up installed. c. If you are deploying using platforms like Rancher and others then make sure that user or service account has correct permissions like namespace retention, RBAC rules etc. Networking Requirements a. Always make sure the cluster's networking solution supports the Service type you are planning on using like for example NodePort. LoadBalancer or ClusterIP b. For external load balancing for an on premise solution you can use EdgeLB. or you can use a cloud providers load balancer when running on the cloud c. If you want to expose the services publicly through ingress, then configure DNS records to point the external IP or domain name associated with your cluster. Installation Steps You can install the HAProxy Ingress Controller in two main ways: By using the Helm (recommended for simpler upgrades and easy configuration changes via values.yaml ) By applying YAML manifests directly (Offers more granular control, it can be more manual to manage the updates ) Option A: Using Helm Add the HAProxy Ingress Helm repository helm repo add haproxy-ingress https://haproxytech.github.io/helm-charts helm repo update The above command adds the official HAProxy Ingress Helm repository to your local Helm client, it then updates the local client to the latest chart versions. Configure Necessary values.yaml Parameters SSL certificates: If you want to manage the SSL at the Ingress level, you have specify or mount the certificates using your Helm values. Load Balancing Settings: You can setup your preferred load balancing algorithm like round robin or least connections or any other option. Service Type: You can adjust whether the service for the controller is a LoadBalancer, NodePort, or a ClusterIP. The choice you make impacts how the external traffic is routed. controller: service: type: LoadBalancer config: # Example: set the max number of connections maxconn: 1000 Install with Helm Run the below command to deploy the HAProxy Ingre

Mar 4, 2025 - 21:04
HAProxy Ingress Controller Kubernetes: Installation, Configuration, Best Practices

This article is a step by step guide for installing and configuring HAProxy Ingress controller.

In Kubernetes, an Ingress controller is used for routing any external traffic to the cluster's internal services.

The Ingress controller translates the incoming requests from outside the cluster to the correct pods based on hostnames, paths and any other routing rules

HAProxy is know for its high performance, low resource usage and its extensive configuration options.

It provides robust load balancing, reliability and easy scalability. This makes HAProxy a solid choice for production environments.

  • Introduction
  • Installing HAProxy Ingress Controller in Kubernetes
  • Pre-Installation Checklist
  • Installation Steps
  • Option A: Using Helm
  • Option B: Using YAML Manifests
  • Validating Installation
  • Configuring HAProxy Ingress Controller
  • Basic HAProxy Ingress Controller
  • SSL/TLS Configuration
  • Load Balancing Algorithms
  • Advanced Routing Features
  • Path Based Routing
  • Host Based Routing
  • TCP VS HTTP Routing
  • Annotations and Custom Config
  • Fine tuning timeouts, buffer sizes and connection limits

- Using a ConfigMap for Global Settings


The HAProxy Ingress controller has features such as

  • Advanced traffic routing ( host based, path based)
  • SSL termination
  • Rate limiting options
  • Dynamic reconfiguration
  • Automatically updates the routes and backends when there are changes in the cluster

Because of these features, it has faster response time, efficient load balancing and reliable connection management. Its advanced traffic management capabilities lets you maintain high availability even during peak hours and unexpected surges.

High-Level HAProxy Ingress Architecture

Installing HAProxy Ingress Controller in Kubernetes

In this section we are going to learn about How to get up and running with HAProxy Ingress Controller in your Kubernetes cluster.

We will go through a quick pre-installation checklist, dive into 2 main methods of deployment that are Helm and YAML manifests and lastly verify that our setup is complete with a simple test.

Pre-Installation Checklist

Important Points

  1. We need a running Kubernetes cluster, we are using K0s but you can use any Kubernetes cluster
  2. You need kubectl to communicate with your cluster
  3. Basic understanding of Pods, Services and Ingresses
  1. Kubernetes Version Compatibility a. Before you install the HAProxy make sure that your Kubernetes cluster is on a supported version. Kubernetes version 1.20 are generally supported but you can also check out the HAProxy documentation to make sure.

b. Newer Kubernetes functions such as, custom resource definitions and advanced networking policies, will require more up-to-date versions

  1. Access and Permissions

a. You will need Kubectl or a similar CLI tool installed and configured on your system in order to communicate with your cluster kubectl get pods should work

b. If you are using Helm to deploy then you require the Helm version 3.x and up installed.

c. If you are deploying using platforms like Rancher and others then make sure that user or service account has correct permissions like namespace retention, RBAC rules etc.

  1. Networking Requirements

a. Always make sure the cluster's networking solution supports the Service type you are planning on using like for example NodePort. LoadBalancer or ClusterIP

b. For external load balancing for an on premise solution you can use EdgeLB. or you can use a cloud providers load balancer when running on the cloud

c. If you want to expose the services publicly through ingress, then configure DNS records to point the external IP or domain name associated with your cluster.

Image description

Installation Steps

You can install the HAProxy Ingress Controller in two main ways:

By using the Helm (recommended for simpler upgrades and easy configuration changes via values.yaml )
By applying YAML manifests directly (Offers more granular control, it can be more manual to manage the updates )

Option A: Using Helm

  1. Add the HAProxy Ingress Helm repository
helm repo add haproxy-ingress https://haproxytech.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update

The above command adds the official HAProxy Ingress Helm repository to your local Helm client, it then updates the local client to the latest chart versions.

  1. Configure Necessary values.yaml Parameters

  2. SSL certificates: If you want to manage the SSL at the Ingress level, you have specify or mount the certificates using your Helm values.

  3. Load Balancing Settings: You can setup your preferred load balancing algorithm like round robin or least connections or any other option.

  4. Service Type: You can adjust whether the service for the controller is a LoadBalancer, NodePort, or a ClusterIP. The choice you make impacts how the external traffic is routed.

    type: LoadBalancer
    # Example: set the max number of connections
    maxconn: 1000
  1. Install with Helm

Run the below command to deploy the HAProxy Ingress Controller into your Cluster

helm install  haproxy-ingress/haproxy-ingress --namespace  --create-namespace -f values.yaml

This command install the chart, applies the configurations form your values.yaml. Replace and as needed

Option B: Using YAML Manifests

  1. Obtain official or community manifests

  2. This is the official YAML manifest from the HAProxy GitHub repository.

  3. The command will create a haproxy-controller namespace and deploy the HAProxy Ingress Controller Pods within it.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haproxytech/kubernetes-ingress/refs/heads/master/deploy/haproxy-ingress.yaml

Creating the IngressClass

Kubernetes recommends creating an IngressClass resource to identify which ingress controller to use. This creates a file called ingressclass.yaml

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: IngressClass
  name: haproxy
  controller: haproxy.org/ingress-controller

you can apply it with

kubectl apply -f ingressclass.yaml

This declares an IngressClass with the name haproxy, which you can reference in the Ingress definition

Validating Installation

  1. Confirm Pods, Services and Deployments a. To confirm the HAProxy Ingress Controller is running correctly: b. Run kubectl get pods --namespace haproxy-controller in order to list all HAProxy Controller pods.

Example Output

NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
haproxy-kubernetes-ingress-bc8f75995-p5tdd   1/1     Running   1 (4m30s ago)   7h23m

You can see atleast one Running pod for the HAProxy Ingress Controller

  1. Run kubectl get service --namespace haproxy-controller in order to check Services associated with the HAProxy Controller.

2.Run kubectl describe pods --namespace haproxy-controller if more details are needed on the individual pods.

3.Use kubectl get pods,svc.deploy -n to ensure that the HAProxy Ingress Controller Pods are running without any errors

1.Make sure the Pods are in a "Running" state without errors. Check the service type, External-IP, and PORTS to see how traffic is routed.

In the next section we will be processing with some advanced configurations such as SSL offloading, custom routing rules and performance tuning.

But for now, we have mastered the basics and thus we can begin routing external traffic into our Kubernetes cluster easily.

Checking the Services

kubectl get service --namespace haproxy-controller

Example Output

NAME                         TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                     AGE
haproxy-kubernetes-ingress   NodePort           80:30337/TCP,443:30739/TCP,1024:31651/TCP   7h24m

You can verify that the service is of type NodePort and is exposing the ports for the HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) and the health check and the stats port 1024

Describing the Pods

For more detailed information, you can also describe the HAProxy Ingress pods

kubectl describe pods --namespace haproxy-controller

Review the output to make sure that there are no errors or warnings, You should be able to see the entries indicating successful pulling of the HAProxy image and the container is in a Running state.

HAProxy Ingress example

to use the HAProxy IngressClass in your services, you have to create an Ingress resources that references the IngressClass. Here is an example

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: hello-ingress
  ingressClassName: haproxy
    - host: hello-world.example.com
        - path: /
          pathType: Prefix
              name: hello-world-service
                number: 80

By specifying the ingressClassName:haproxy , you instruct the Kubernetes to route the traffic for the host/path to the HAProxy Ingress Controller.

Configuring HAProxy Ingress Controller with Example

In this section, we are going to learn how to configure your HAProxy Ingress Controller.

First we are going to walk through some fundamental settings like

  • creating Ingress resources
  • Applying SSL certificates
  • and Choosing the right load balancing algorithm
  • Then we are going to move on to

  • sophisticated routing

  • Annotations

  • Custom configurations

  • monitoring strategies

HAProxy Ingress Controller

Ingress resources

Purpose: Ingress resources define: "how the external traffic is routed to internal Kubernetes services".

You will specify the hostnames, paths, and which backend service each path should forward the traffic to

Host rules:
A general Ingress manifest includes spec.rules.host such as hello-world.com
Requests hitting the hello-world.com are then routed according to the rules that you define
Paths and Backend services

Under the rules, you have to declare the specific paths like so / or /api and map them to different services and ports in the cluster

For example, the traffic to /api can go to api-service:80, in contrast to / can go to frontend-service

Now we consider an example of a Pod and a Service that you can use along with your ingress in a real life scenario

A Pod: Runs the nginxdemos/hello container on port 80

A Service: This service targets the Pod using the app: hello-world label

An Ingress: The ingress routes the traffic from hello-world.example.com to hello-world-service on port 80

Our provided HAProxy ingress will then route the traffic to this service

# ----------------------
# Pod definition
# ----------------------
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: hello-world-pod
    app: hello-world
  - name: hello-world
    image: nginxdemos/hello:latest
    - containerPort: 80

# ----------------------
# Service definition
# ----------------------
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: hello-world-service
    app: hello-world
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 80

# ----------------------
# Ingress definition
# ----------------------
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: hello-ingress
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "haproxy"
  - host: hello-world.example.com
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: hello-world-service
              number: 80

Steps to run locally on a Debian or Ubuntu Machine

  1. Install the Kubernetes tools
    a. Make sure you have a Kubernetes cluster running
    b. Make sure that kubectl is installed and configured so kubectl get pods works

  2. Apply the YAML to your Cluster

kubectl apply -f hello.yaml

This will create the Pod, Service and the Ingress resources.

  1. Update the /etc/hosts this is a local DNS trick

  2. Because the ingress rule uses the domain name hello-world.example.com, you can easily map this domain to your cluster IP address on your Debian machine

  3. For local testing find the ip address on which your cluster is running

minikube ip

Suppose you find out the ip is then edit the /etc/hosts file on your Debian or Ubuntu machine like so

sudo nano /etc/hosts

then  hello-world.example.com
## remember is the ip of your kubernetes cluster
  1. Verifying the Ingress Verify the HAProxy Ingress controller is running

check the created Ingress

kubectl get ingress

Example output

NAME            CLASS     HOSTS                     ADDRESS   PORTS   AGE
hello-ingress   haproxy   hello-world.example.com             80      6h58m

Observe that:

  • The ingress name is hello-ingress
  • The class is set to haproxy
  • The host is hello-world.example.com

Identifying the NodePort

Since the HAProxy Ingress controller is running as a NodePort you need the port number to send the external traffic to the cluster. run the below command

kubectl get service --namespace haproxy-controller

You will get output something like this

NAME                         TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                     AGE
haproxy-kubernetes-ingress   NodePort           80:30337/TCP,443:30739/TCP,1024:31651/TCP   7h31m

From here you can see the port 30337 is the nodeport which is mapped to port 80 of the Ingress Controller

  1. Sending a test request

Let us assume your kubernetes node IP addresss is, you can test the ingress routing is working by sending a curl request that includes the host header like so

curl -H 'Host: hello-world.example.com'

If everything is configured correctly, you should see the Nginx demo page output from the hello-world Pod.

Open the browser on your Debian machine and go to or use curl

curl http://hello-world.example.com:30337

you can see the response coming from your Kubernetes cluster

Image description

SSL/TLS Configuration

Securing the traffic using SSL/TLS is an important step in production deployments

1.Generating and importing certificates

  • You can generate the Let's Encrypt certificate using a Cert Manager or a standalone process
  • Alternatively, you can also import your existing certificates from a Certificate Authority.
  • The certificate are typically stored as a Kubernetes Secret resource
  1. Configuring HTTPS & Redirections
  • Update the Ingress controller to reference the TLS secret
  • Enforce the HTTPS using annotations, such as haproxy.org/ssl-redirect: "true"
  • This makes sure that all the HTTP traffic is automatically redirected to HTTPS


apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: my-app-ingress-tls
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "haproxy"
    haproxy.org/ssl-redirect: "true"
  - hosts:
    - hello-world.com
    secretName: hello-world-com-tls
  - host: hello-world.com
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: secured-service
              number: 443

Load Balancing Algorithms

By default, the HAProxy uses the round-robin algorithm, this sends the requests to each backend service in turn.

If there are 4 backends a,b,c,d the round robin algorithm will first send the request to a then b then c and then d and then again to a, thus cycling through all 4 backend services

Depending on your environment, you might prefer other algorithms such as

  • Least Connections: Sends a new request to the server that has the fewest active connections, this is a good choice for evenly distributing load.
  • Source IP Hash/ Sticky Sessions: Useful if you want a user to consistently hit the same backend server
  • Advanced Algorithms: Weighted round robin, random or specialized health checks algorithms are also there for specific use-cases.
  • You can configure this in the ConfigMap or via annotations for HAProxy Ingress Controller
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: haproxy-config
  namespace: ingress-controller
  backend-global-default-settings: |
    balance leastconn

The above snippet instructs HAProxy to use the leastconn algorithm across all backends wherever it is applicable

Advanced Routing Features

Path Based Routing

In micro services environment, you often spilt you application into multiple components for example /api, /admin, /auth

With HAProxy Ingress

Mapping Multiple Contexts: Each Path in a single Ingress resource can point to a different internal service.
Common Use Case: A front-end that is served by a react or angular SPA /, a back-end API on /api and an admin dashboard /admin

Image description

Host Based Routing

Sometimes you have multiple domains that are sharing a single Kubernetes cluster for example app1.example.com and app2.example.com

Host based rules allows us to split the traffic based on the domain name

for example

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: multi-site-ingress
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "haproxy"
  - host: app1.example.com
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: service-app1
              number: 80
  - host: app2.example.com
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: service-app2
              number: 80

Each domain has its own rule that is pointing to its own distinct back-end service


  • HTTP/HTTPS Routing: The most common scenario is using the L7 (i.e the application layer) features like path based routing, headers and cookies
  • TCP Routing: Applications such as databases, custom TCP protocols and others can be routed at layer 4.
  • HAproxy is configured to forward the TCP traffic without inspecting the HTTP layer
  • If you want to expose a database service externally or provide custom ports, you can set up a TCP ingress resource.
  • This is generally done using specialized CRDs or configuration in the HAProxy Ingress chart

Annotations and Custom Config

HAProxy supports a variety of annotations that fine tune the behaviour at the route or at the controller level

Fine tuning timeouts, buffer sizes and connection limits

  • Timeouts: You can set for how long the HAProxy will wait for an HTTP response before closing the connection or returning and error. for example: haproxy.org/backend-timeout: "30000" in milliseconds
  • Buffer Zones: This is useful for large headers and big payloads.
  • Connection Limits: protects your backend services by limiting the total number of connections it can handle.


  haproxy.org/backend-timeout: "30000"      # 30 seconds
  haproxy.org/maxconn: "500"

Using a ConfigMap for Global Settings

You can define some global HAProxy settings via the ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: haproxy-ingress-config
  global: |
    tune.bufsize 32768
    # Increase buffer size for large requests
  backend-global-default-settings: |
    timeout connect 5s
    timeout client 30s
    timeout server 30s

Each key in the ConfigMap can override defaults for things like timeouts, SSL capers and log formats.

Merging Custom HAProxy Configuration Sections

If you need advanced customization like Lua scripts, specialized logging or rewriting the riles.

Using HAProxy Ingress you can append or merge configuration snippets like so

  frontend: |
    # Additional configuration in the frontend section
    acl needs_auth path_beg /admin
    http-request auth realm "Restricted Access" if needs_auth
  backend: |
    # Additional backend config
    option forwardfor
    http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }

The merged sections are appended to the final HAProxy config, this gives you flexibility without rewriting the entire file.

Monitoring and Observability

A solid Observability stack means that you can spot and troubleshoot the errors early and maintain high availability

Integrating with Prometheus and Grafana

Prometheus can scrape the metrics that are exposed by the HAProxy Ingress Controller. You can configure the Ingress controller to export the metrics to an endpoint like 8080/metrics
Grafana dashboards lets you visualize the data like request rates, response times and other such data.
Key metrics to Monitor
