Livestream: Essential Tools for JetBrains IDE Plugin Development
Join us for an insightful session on the top tools every plugin developer should know. IntelliJ Platform Developer Advocates Yann Cébron and Jakub Chrzanowski will walk you through essential utilities that streamline plugin development for JetBrains IDEs. During the webinar, you will discover how: No matter your level of experience, this webinar will equip you […]

Join us for an insightful session on the top tools every plugin developer should know. IntelliJ Platform Developer Advocates Yann Cébron and Jakub Chrzanowski will walk you through essential utilities that streamline plugin development for JetBrains IDEs.
During the webinar, you will discover how:
- Plugin DevKit simplifies plugin creation.
- PsiViewer helps you navigate the PSI tree.
- Index Viewer allows you to debug index contents.
- UI Inspector provides deep insights into UI components.
No matter your level of experience, this webinar will equip you with practical techniques to optimize your workflow and streamline your plugin development process.
Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your plugin development skills and get expert guidance from the JetBrains team! At the end of the session, you’ll also have a chance to ask questions and get answers from our experts.