algorithms : intro to sorting algorithms 2 {merge sort and quick sort }
Hey reader , back again ? so lets brush up what we learnt last article so we've discussed about insertion sort and selection sort , one works by shifting and inserting other by finding smallest and swapping ,etc etc and so on check on the older article if u haven't read that already lets throw in our route map again 1) insertion sort [x] 2) selection sort [x] 3) merge sort

Hey reader , back again ? so lets brush up what we learnt last article so we've discussed about insertion sort and selection sort , one works by shifting and inserting other by finding smallest and swapping ,etc etc and so on check on the older article if u haven't read that already
lets throw in our route map again
1) insertion sort [x]
2) selection sort [x]
3) merge sort <
5) quick sort <
6) bubble sort
7) cocktail shaker sort
8) heap sort
9) priority ques
10) counting sort
11) radix sort
we have reached merge sort and quick sort
now these guys are used everywhere in programming as they scale well for big datasets they are the best we got
both of them works by the principle of divide and conqueror ,which works very well and can even topple the largest of largest empires to its knees (rip india)
same goes for data when u break it down to smaller chunks and sort them portion by portion eventualy youll have the entire data sorted