Google Making All Android Development Private, Still Committed to Open Source
A bit of news from the Android development front this week, with Google confirming that it’s taking Android development completely private. While that might sound like a big change, if you aren’t an Android developer, you’re not going to notice anything. As of right now, Google already does most of its work on Android in … Continued Read the original post: Google Making All Android Development Private, Still Committed to Open Source

A bit of news from the Android development front this week, with Google confirming that it’s taking Android development completely private. While that might sound like a big change, if you aren’t an Android developer, you’re not going to notice anything.
As of right now, Google already does most of its work on Android in private, then publishes changes to AOSP (Android Open Source Project). Google has confirmed that the move to fully private development is to allow for a more efficient process, with Android engineers not having to deal with merge conflicts that take place when combining code from AOSP with its internal code.
From an average user’s perspective, there won’t be anything noticeably different. Google has confirmed that it is still committed to publishing Android’s source code, though, the frequency of public source code releases for specific Android components may be slightly delayed.
Another thing to note is leaked information. A lot of time, we get information about future Android changes and devices from AOSP. With Google taking its development behind closed doors, we may see less of that. Personally, I’m all for that. It might be nice to have a surprise here and there instead of knowing about everything 6+ months in advance.
For a real detailed look at what Google is doing, we recommend reading the post from Android Authority. Mishaal does a great job of breaking it down.
Read the original post: Google Making All Android Development Private, Still Committed to Open Source